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" can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars 💜💙 "

"I'm absolutely shocked by you two. You can wrestle here as much as you want. How do you intend to apologize for all this?"

Legoshi and (Y/N) stood in front of Louis outside, the red deer scolding the two about their fight onstage that was definitely not in the script.

"Well, I... I don't know where to start-" the human began, when he had to block what he thought was an attack from the red deer. Instead, after Louis retracted himself from the human, he opened his hand and had been given back his father's old, blunt, probably now useless dagger.

"Honestly, I don't care that you brought a weapon to school." Louis stated. "I never even expected good morals from you in the first place, unlike Legoshi."

Okay, now I'm just offended. (Y/N) thought, irritated.

"The problem is both of you. Two beasts went out of control and smeared the stage with blood. Would you have killed each other if I hadn't stopped you?"

The boys looked down, one of them guilty while the other was annoyed.

"Your barbarism is totally beyond my understanding."

An unnoticed crowd of students were behind Louis, Legoshi and (Y/N) attempting to alarm him. "Louis, behind you-"

They all cheered, one of the smaller girls asking the deer if they could interview him. Meanwhile, Legoshi tried hiding his eyes from the flashing lights of cameras. As for (Y/N), he only glared into the cameras, making his appearance more intimidating than it already is... to herbivores, at least.

"Listen up, you two," Louis whispered, gaining their attention. "I take back my words. The play was a success. I need you to act it out until the end. Understand?"


Of course, being the little weirdo he is, (Y/N) did not listen to anything the students were saying. He would reply with mhm or nod his head. He wasn't known for being talkative, or socializing in general. He was just different from everyone else, and was best friends with her.

Haru. The rumors spread quickly, but everyone wonders how the human boy deals with it all. Especially Lycaon and Vulpes, two of his closest friends.

They were there when he pathetically cried over that girl, all because he had some stupid crush on her. She was the only one he could open himself up to. She's a good friend, she really is... she just needs a new way to know how valuable she is to this world, other than sex.

   He wasn't crying because she didn't love him, but because he felt terrible for her, which he knew was the opposite of what she wants. She hates it when everyone pities her.

The boy was snapped out of his thoughts when a hand lightly slapped his back, pushing him to be the center of attention, along with Legoshi and Louis, the one who touched him.

"This play was a big challenge for us, and a valuable performance for the youngsters. We live in a very complicated world. Everyone has something to hide and endure. They live desperately through various conflicts. There's no right or wrong. But if there's solid faith within yourself, some light should shed upon you. Even if it's rough or childish, as long as there's faith..."

"The actors have brilliantly acted out this message. And then he just forced us to give more details, which I obviously didn't do."

(Y/N) explained to Lycaon and Vulpes. The lunch room was full, so all three had to eat on the rooftop where CHERRYTON ACADEMY was spelled out by multiple signs. They sat underneath the branches of a tree, protected from the heat of the sun.

"So, you just let that guy beat the shit out of you and called it professional acting?" Vulpes asked.

   "That's what that stupid doe said, not my words."

   The canines sweat-dropped at how he referred to Louis.

   "What? He is stupid, and acts like a fucking baby when he doesn't get what he wants. If someone messes up or doesn't remember their script, he throws a tantrum."

   "That sounds more like you."

   (Y/N) crushed the milk carton in his hand, getting the white liquid all over his fingers. do not get any ideas.

   "Vulpes. Please tell me, did I hear that right?" (Y/N) asked, calmly.

    Lycaon shivered at his face, it was just empty of any emotion. He couldn't tell if he was calm, jokingly angry, or just as mad as the author was when they found out school is starting on August 16th and they have to find somewhere to sit at lunch, with no friends.

   Vulpes? Oh, he just planned his funeral that day.

   Vulpes? Oh, he just planned his funeral that day

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what the fuck

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...what the fuck.

Also, also,

wanna feel like the side character that's totally a badass, that everyone thinks is underrated, and that everyone makes those cool edits of on TikTok?

Listen to Closer by Nine Inch Nails. You already know it? That's cool.

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