• Chapter 28 •

Start from the beginning

I began shouting trying to explain I came in peace. I ripped a piece of fabric off of my white- if you could even call it that, at this stage- shirt and waving it frantically in the air. Luckily I think they got the idea. They began lowering there guns and gesturing for me to come closer.

"Keep your hands in the air, we'll come to you!" shouted one of the men.

I made sure to keep as still as I could, I didn't want them to think I was trying anything funny. When I was pulled on board I was immediately bombarded with questions. There was so much going on, I was so confused. I couldn't comprehend anything anyone was saying.

"Shut it!" shouted a sergeant. "State your name boy!" He ordered me.

"Uh Jim...sir." I added the sir reluctantly but I needed to make a good impression so they'd hear me out.

"Jim what?!" He said his voice very stern and cold.

"Jim Hawkins." I breathed.

There was a sudden quiet wave of relieved sighs and gasps. "Jim! We've been looking for you." The sergeant rejoiced, as if he knew me personally.

This was definitely not the welcome I was expected, warm and happy. I didn't really deserve it. "Captain Amelia will want to know immediately, send word to her ship." Ordered the sergeant. "Come on boy, let's get you something warmer than these rags." I felt really guilty. After turning on (Y/n). I just needed to see her.

"Is (Y/n) here?" I asked, sounding a little desperate, I will admit.

"Don't worry about her now, she's with the Captain." The sergeant assured me.

The amount of relief I felt in that moment was unreal. I was so happy that she was safe. I immediately went to apologising about the Centurion but the sergeant would have none of it. Apparently everyone had realised that it wasn't me and (Y/n)'a fault.


We were sat down waiting for word to get back from Amelia, I was told it wouldn't take long. The sergeant offered me a drink and I discovered his name was Sergeant Keras Rhis. He seemed a nice enough guy but he likes to talk a lot.

I was thinking about (Y/n) and wasn't paying much attention until one thing made my ears prick up. "...I knew a Hawkins when I was younger. Not a very common name , wonder if he was any relation." He said offhandedly.

"I doubt it." I said trying to brush it off.

"Come to think of it, he looked a lot like you. Same bone structure." Continued Keras.

It could hardly be, could it? "What was his name first name?" I asked quietly.

"James, James Leland Hawkins. What a man he was." Reminisced the sergeant.

I couldn't believe it, entire galaxies worth of people and I manage to meet a man who knows my father or....knew him. "Did you just say 'was'?" I asked.

"Yes..." sighed the Sergeant. "Lost him on one of our missions, never forgave myself for it."

"Oh..." I didn't know how to feel. Should I feel sad about loosing a man who I never really knew in the first place. I hated him for leaving so why did I feel dejected.

"Did you know him?" Keras, had obviously noticed a change in my demeanour.

"My dad..." I said simply.

"I never knew him to have children." He furrowed his brows. "He was only young, maybe it's a different man."

"No it was my dad alright, he left when I was much younger. He was quite young himself. Left me and my mother." I explained.

"Oh...well, i'm very sorry. I didn't think much of it, I shouldn't have said anything." Replied the sergeant.

"Oh no don't worry, I don't care about him anyway. He left us. Without support. Alone. I don't care." I said and Keras seemed to cringe a little.

"I'd like you to know, whether you'd like to believe me or not. James Hawkins was a good man, when I knew him at least. He helped and saved countless lives. He may not have been a good father but he was a good man." Sergeant Keras tried to explain.

I knew that my anger and frustration wasn't with this sergeant so I thanked him for telling me and left it at that.

"And Mr. Hawkins, if you ever want to hear stories about your father, i'll be happy to oblige, god knows I have tons of them." He smiled sympathetically.

"Uh yeah, thanks." I replied.

Hey so, i'm just looking for an opinion on something. I usually have each chapter at about 1,000 - 1,500 words. Is that something you enjoy? Or would you prefer longer chapters? Just wondering. It'd probably be less often if they were longer.

The Stolen Ship • Jim Hawkins x Reader (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now