• Chapter 18 •

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We had to sleep with the rest of the crew in a cabin that was shared. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with sleeping with the rest of the crew, I just wasn't used to it as last time we went on a voyage Jim and I had our own cabin.

Everybody had a hammock for themselves, which meant Jim and I couldn't sleep next to each other. I didn't say anything but I wasn't very happy about it.

When it was time to sleep, Silver had told us that he had half the crew on a nightshift so everything would be fine and we could go to sleep soundly. Jim followed behind me as I walked down to the shared cabin.

There was a lot of chatter coming from inside but as soon as we opened the door and everyone had saw who it was they went silent, paused for a moment and went back talking but they were mostly whispering this time.

The only two hammocks that seemed to be free were next to each other We both took one and laid down. I took my shoes off and left them down alongside me however I did keep my sword close because even though I didn't know how to use it I felt safer knowing it was there. After all I did not know this crew at all. Jim had done the exact same as me.

I was just getting comfortable when someone turned in the hammock that was at the other side of me. "Oh hey (Y/n)!" Said a familiar voice. "Jim" He nodded, just to acknowledge his presence.

"Hey Tom." I sighed, I did like Tom, he seemed to be quite a nice person but I was really hoping for just some time with Jim to talk.

"Hi" Jim replied dryly.

Tom rambled on for ages and ages but eventually it fell quiet. We had all silently agreed to try and go to sleep, or so we thought.

"This is nice. Just three of us." Tom said out of nowhere.

I opened my eyes just looking into the darkness. I was going to say something but Jim beat me to it.

"There'll only be two left if you don't shut up." Jim said, clearly just as irritated as me.

I didn't say anything, usually i'd scold Jim for being mean but I agreed this time. At this Tom did shut up, thank gods, so I fell asleep quite rapidly.

It was the next day and I woke up before anyone else had so I went the small galley that the ship had so hopefully get some food. I walked down the short set of stairs. I was walking quite slowly and quietly because of the fact that I was so tired.

I heard some people downstairs, I decided to just peek around the wall to see who it was. I didn't want to go in if it was people I didn't know. I was unfamiliar with most of Silvers crew so it was likely.

As I peeked into the galley I noticed Silver with a good few people from his crew.

"...smugglers route." Silver was finishing whatever he was talking about when I caught his eye. "(N/n)! Good morning, what're you up to." He smiled widely at me.

I was slightly caught off guard since I was sort of spying on him just then but I stepped out fully from behind the wall. "Morning!" I returned the smile. "I was just coming down for something to eat." 

"off with ye lads." Silver said to his crew mates and with that they all got up and began to walk up the stairs. "I can make you something if you'd like?" Silver offered.

"oh no, don't worry about it Silver. I'll just grab some fruit. Thanks for the offer though!" I said walking over to the small crates.

"Alright darling. I'll see you in a bit so." Silver gave a small wave before walking up the stairs to join the crew.

There was a good few crates with quite a bit of variety. Especially considering how small and old this ship is. I scanned through the fruits, the colours all equally as vibrant but the blue fruits and pink ones looked extremely tasty. I took a few extra that I said i'd give to Jim.

The Stolen Ship • Jim Hawkins x Reader (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now