• Chapter 24 •

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We were all still sitting patiently around these small candles. The dim light was making me feel a little drowsy. The shock of the whole situation had somewhat passed now. We were going to have to wait until the screams stopped because that would mean the creatures are gone.

The situation was annoying but somehow I liked sitting here. Just sitting. My drowsiness and the chat amongst us was drowning out the screaming. I was with my friends, not thinking about anything else but how tired I was. It was somehow peaceful...very nice...and..quiet..

~James' P.O.V.~
She had been leaning against me for a while now but I had just felt the weight of her become a little heavier. I looked down to see her eyes heavy, almost closed. She was so tired. I wanted to try and take off my coat so I could put it around her. I was awkwardly trying to pull it off without waking her.

"Hey" a whisper came. "Here." Tom said holding out his old scraggly patched jacket, he smiled ever so slightly. I guess that was pretty nice of him. I took the jacket from his hand and placed it over Y/n, just so she wouldn't get cold whilst we were still waiting down here.

From then on we all spoke quietly so we wouldn't wake her up. We didn't talk about much, just the plans for the rest of the voyage. There wasn't much to talk about, only Silver and I really knew each other, having Tom there was a bit awkward especially because of all the animosity between us.

I had to shush Silver every now and then because he would get a bit too into his stories, and forget to keep his voice down. All of a sudden, it was really quiet. The only thing I could hear was Y/n mumbling in her sleep. The sirens, they must've gone. The quiet was kind of eerie now, after having the screeching non-stop for so long.

"Do you want me to help carry her up Jimbo?" Silver asked me, obviously referring to Y/n, who was still in a deep sleeping using my arm as her pillow.

"No thanks, don't worry. I got her." I carefully picked her up and made my way up the stairs, it was a little hard trying to get all the way to the cabin with her in my arms but I made it. Without waking her at that.

I laid her down in her hammock, took off her shoes then took Tom's jacket, replacing it with her blanket. I made sure she at least looked comfortable then creeped back, trying not to make a sound. She did stir slightly but she was still asleep nonetheless. I walked around to Tom and handed his jacket back.

"Thanks man." I whispered.

"Hey, no bother. Jim, are we good now?" Tom questioned, he almost seemed a little scared to ask.

"I guess, if Y/n doesn't have a problem with you...yea we're fine, for now." I extended my hand. He took it and shook it firmly. We both nodded and headed to sleep.

It's weird how when you're in dangerous situations, it can bring you together. Fear is a really strange thing.

  。 。 。

~Y/n's P.O.V.~
The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was morph floating extremely close to my face. It shocked me but only momentarily, as I sat up he moved further away. He quickly snuggled into my face I hugged him back.

I heard James chuckle from beside me, "I think he was worried about you, after everything that happened yesterday."

"Oh good morning James" I smiled. Then the realisation washed over me, how did I end up in the cabin, the sirens, is everyone safe now. "Wait-" I was about to ask all these questions I had running around my brain.

"(Y/n) before you ask, You fell asleep on me, the sirens eventually left, everyone's ok and I carried you up to bed." he said before I was even able to ask one question.

The Stolen Ship • Jim Hawkins x Reader (Sequel)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu