Chapter Twenty: Pack Doctors

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked getting bitter.

"I want you... and the amulet" he said. I heard Xavier growl from behind. he took a piece of my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"Don't touch me" I pushed him away. "I don't know what your talking about I don't have no amulet" I said getting angry.

"Oh but that's where you're wrong, you're the Luna of the blood moon pack. Even if your marked or not you have to have the amulet" he said his yellow eyes hypnotizing me in a trance.

I looked away. "I don't have the fucking amulet you ass hole" I said gritting my teeth. He smacked me in my face with a lot of force. I grabbed my cheek and smirked.

"Is that all you've got" I said a big smirk on my face. His eyes widened.

"No actually I got more, bring them in" he gestured to his men. The girls came in with a knife to there necks. Each of them had a blade to there neck.

"If you fucking hurt them, I will kill YOU!" I said getting in his face.

"Give me the fucking AMULET then!" He yelled. I turned my head towards the tree behind me. I reached in my back pocket and took the knife out slowly. I clicked the little switch for the knife to open. I had it ready in my hand.

"Your gonna regret messing with me ass wipe" I said a evil smile on my face.

"Oh yeah?" He said amused of all of this. I could hear Xavier's growls from behind.

"Yeah" I said, I kicked him in the face he fell back slightly.

"You bitch" he said holding his jaw I grabbed my knife and stabbed him in the neck. His screams filled my ears I took the knife out and gabbed it back in.

His screams got louder. I got on top of him "I told you" I wiped the bloody knife on his pants. I punched him in the face he slowly fainted I knew he wasn't dead his pals was still running. I looked up to see the blood bath starting again. Xavier got out and was attacking the rouges. I went to the girls they had rope tied around there two hands.

"Thanks Rose" Lucy smiled as I untied them.

"Okay girls go untie the guys. The all nodded, a rogue came from behind me I took my knife and ran it through his chest. He tried to chase me I drop kicked him he fell to the ground.

I went to Xavier and saw all the rouges he killed. Some rogues ran away, some are dead, and some are wounded.

"Did you kill any?" Xavier asked his strong chest going up and down as he was taking deep breaths.

"No, I couldn't kill them I just wounded them" he nodded and understood why I couldn't kill. He went to the guy that had blue hair and yellowish eyes. Xavier bite his neck all the blood gushing out.

I turned away the images stuck in my never forgetting memory. A hand rested on my shoulder then it disappeared as soon as it came. I turned around to see Xavier on the ground and his wound bleeding like crazy.

"Shit" I mumbled. I knelt down to him holding his big wound. I took my sweater off I was just in a tank top now. I wrapped my sweater around his wound somehow, I randomly wrapped it so it wouldn't bleed anymore. His hand came up to my face.

"Rosalina?" Xavier said holding my left cheek.

"Shh your okay" I said trying to calm him down.

His eyes slowly closed shut. I checked his pulse it was still there but it was slow. Right now he was loosing a lot of blood. I start to panic I didn't know what else to do.

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