thirty one | always and forever

Start from the beginning

Just as the teenager had started to beg for Annabelle to spare her life and let her live another day, Annabelle had used her other hand to wipe more tears off of the teenager's face as she said, "Oh, don't cry, darling. Your death will be much quicker than the deaths of your entire family. You won't feel a thing."

This only made the teenager start to sob even harder and struggle to breathe, just because of how much she was sobbing.

After she slowly raised the teenager's head, Annabelle sighed before she stared into the teenager's eyes before she said, "You know what? With all of this crying that you're doing, I've changed my mind. It is going to be painful, and you know what? It's going to be entirely your fault."

Before the teenager had the chance to respond, Annabelle had started to tear into her neck, which resulted in the teenage girl screaming as she tried her hardest to break free from the grip that Annabelle had on her.

It wasn't long afterwards that the teenager had stopped screaming, shortly before her head had fallen off of her body, which resulted in Annabelle grinning to herself as she stared down at the headless body of the final member of the family that she had come across.

* * *

Annabelle was in the home of yet another family and slowly killed each and every single member of the family.

The difference this time, however, was that this family had a set of twins, one with an older sister and a younger brother– much like how she was older than Kol by a mere couple of minutes before he was murdered by Jeremy Gilbert.

And similarly to how Kol and Finn were killed, Annabelle had poured gasoline on all of the family members and slowly– one by one– set each of them on fire.

The only person that she left alive to watch the murder of their family was the one twin sister, who had to watch as each and every single member of her family had burned to death.

However, Annabelle had made sure to kill the girl's twin brother last, since she wanted the teenage girl to feel the same amount of pain Annabelle that had felt when she had watched her own twin brother burst into flames after the white oak stake was shoved into his heart.

As a result of Annabelle's mere wish of wanting the teenage girl to suffer before her eventual death, Annabelle set fire to the line of gasoline that had led straight to the twin brother after she had compelled the girl to watch, while her own brother died from being burned to death.

After the twin brother's screams had finally ceased and he simply lied on the floor face-first, Annabelle crouched down in front of the twin sister before stared into the teenage girl's eyes and said, "Tell me how it felt, knowing that you could do nothing but watch as your own family burned to death right in front of your very eyes."

As she started to sob, the teenage girl told her, "Terrible. I felt terrible. I've never felt anything like that before."

After she feigned a pout, Annabelle grabbed the side of the teenager's face as she said, "Of course you haven't. But you know what? I have. That is exactly how I lost two of my brothers, but the difference is that I only saw my own twin brother die similarly to how your own twin brother had just been killed. So tell me, if it weren't for me compelling you to stay seated in this chair and do nothing to me, what would you have done after watching your entire family burn to death right in front of your eyes?"

As she tried to force herself to stop sobbing, the teenager told her, "I would have killed you."

After she grabbed the other side of the teenager's face, Annabelle chuckled as she replied, "Of course you would have, but to be honest, darling, I can't be killed. So, now that it's established that you can't harm me– no matter how much you might want to– I think it's high time that you die as well." While the teenager's eyes widened, Annabelle tilted her head and continued to stare into the girl's eyes as she said, "No matter how much you might want to run and try to live yet another day of your incredibly dull life, I want you to stay seated right here and remain silent. And do you know why?"

When the teenager only shook her head, Annabelle told her, "Because although you might never want to admit to it, you would rather die than live yet another day without having your twin brother by your side. And do you know how I know this? It's because ever since I watched my own twin brother burst into flames and scream before he died, I've wanted nothing more than to die, but you know what the difference is between you and I?" After the teenager had shaken her head once more, Annabelle said, "The difference is that I can't die, while you can. So, I want you to sit here perfectly and smile as the flames from the fire start to engulf your home and eventually set fire to your own skin. You won't move a single muscle to do anything, much less call for help. Do you understand me?"

After the teenager had nodded her head, Annabelle plastered a grin on her face before she said, "That's excellent."

Then Annabelle sped up the stairs of the home and over towards the starting point of where the house fire would take place.

It wasn't long afterwards that Annabelle had sped out of the home and watched as the flames grew higher while it passed through all of the rooms and hallways that she had poured the gasoline inside of.

However, before Annabelle had the chance to actually enjoy the mere sight of the house bursting into flames and the scent that she would smell from the flames burning off layers of the teenage girl's skin, she felt two hands wrap around her neck from behind her and her neck was snapped.

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