Cody- I can see it now Amethyst is going to change the whole crime life. She is going to be the one that gets every crime boss or MC to change their ways.

Domenico- Honestly I can see that as well.

We've arrived at Am' clubhouse I pull into the driveway and park the car. I turn the car off and then we get out we walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. A few seconds later the door opens and there stands a very pregnant Am.

Amethyst- Hello Dom and Cody it's good to see you again. Please come in.

We go in and we head right to the office.

Domenico- It's nice to see you again as well. How are you feeling these days?

Amethyst- I'm feeling great.

Cody- How far along are you?

Amethyst- I'm 30 weeks now the time has been going by so fast now. So Dom what did you need to talk to me about?

Domenico- Well there are a few things I need to talk to you about. One being Miracle and the other being Summer.

Amethyst- Okay first let me tell the Kings to come in here so we can have a chat.

Domenico- Okay and I was just about to ask where they were.

Amethyst- They are at home finishing the nursery. I'll send them a text now to come to the office.

Cody- So do you know what you are having?

Amethyst- Yes Tennessee and I are having a baby boy and Grayson and I are having a baby girl.

Cody- Wow that's amazing.

Amethyst- Yes it is.

Domenico- So Miracle told me that you plan to get pregnant again right away.

Amethyst- Yes as soon as I heal and I'm able to have sex again Ace and I will be trying.

Domenico- I bet Ace is happy about that.

Amethyst- He is but he is also worried something bad is going to happen to me. We have all reassured him that I'll be okay and so will the baby.

After Am finished her sentence the guys walk into the office.

Domenico- Hello Tenn, Gray, and Ace.

Cody- Hello.

Tennessee- Hello Dom, Cody.

Grayson- Hello.

Ace- Hey what's up.

Amethyst- My loves please take a seat we need to chat about Miracle and Summer.

Am stands up and she sits on Gray' lap while Ace and Tenn sit on each side of them.

Domenico- Okay so I'll start with Miracle. I would like to have your blessing to ask her to marry me. If you give me your blessing then I would also like your help with planning the proposal.

Amethyst- Dom you have my blessing. I'm so happy that you want to marry her. Yes, I will be more than happy to help you plan the proposal.

Tennessee- Congratulations man.

Grayson- Miracle is lucky to have you.

Ace- Welcome to the family man.

Domenico- Thanks. So now about Summer, I have been having her followed every time she leaves the clubhouse. So far she has done anything suspicious but my gut is telling me she is planning to attack.

Amethyst- Okay yeah we all have that same feeling. I also have Damon watching her as well cuz I don't trust this bitch at all. Damon has told me the same thing about his gut feeling. So this is what we are going to do we are all going to get together and talk.

Grayson- Babe just remembers that if anything goes down you will not get involved.

Amethyst- Yes I know babe.

Domenico- Okay so then when should we all meet up?

Amethyst- Let's all get together in a few days. Then after we all talk I'll help you out with the proposal.

Domenico- Okay sounds good to me. Thank you again and we will see you all very soon.

Amethyst- You're welcome. Later Dom and Cody.

Tennessee- See you both later.

Grayson- See you both soon.

Ace- Later you 2.

Cody- Later everyone.

We get up and leave. We get into my car and we head back to my house.

Cody- So man you got what you wanted how do you feel.

Domenico- I honestly can't wait to ask the love of my life to marry me. I want everything with her she is my forever.

Cody- I'm happy for you man. I never thought you would find the love of your life. Especially when you took over the Mafia cuz woman only see one thing when you're a leader and that's money.

Domenico- I know I was worried I would never find my true love when I took over. I'm so happy that Am set Miracle and me up that night at the club. When I first saw her I knew right then and there she would become my Queen.

Cody- Love, at first sight, is an amazing thing. I felt the same way when I met Brandy I still feel that way when I look at her.

Domenico- I hope that she says yes when I ask her to marry me. I don't know what I would do if she said no.

Cody- Don't worry man she will be saying yes. We all can see the love that she has for you in her eyes. When she looks at you her eyes sparkle if she didn't love you then her eyes wouldn't sparkle as they do.

Domenico- Thanks man for being here for me. I would get lost in myself if I didn't have you to talk me through it.

Cody- Dom you are my best friend I would do anything for you. Hell, you are like the brother that I never had but always wanted. I will always be here for you no matter what.

Domenico- I know you would. You are also like the brother I never had but always wanted. I would also do anything for you and I will also always be here for you and your family.

Cody- I know you will man.

We get back to my house and I tell Cody to take the rest of the day off. He thanks me and then he heads home. I go to my office and I do some work before I need to start dinner. I'm going to cook my love' favorite for her tonight. Once I finish my work I head down to the kitchen. I get everything I need to make lasagna, garlic bread, and a salad. Once I get everything prepared I put the lasagna in the oven and set the table. Once the lasagna is finished cooking I put the garlic bread in once that doesn't take long to cook I grabbed two wine glasses and a bottle of wine and put that on the table. I light the candles that are on the table I go to grab the garlic bread once the timer went off telling me it is finished. As soon as I set the bread down my love walked into the house. When she saw what I have done she was in shock she said thank you and she loves it, we sat down and had dinner. I filled her in on the meeting that we will be having in a few days. Once we were finished eating I clean up and then we went up to our room made love and went to bed.

~End of Domenico' POV~

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