The Power of Madonna

Start from the beginning

~Time Skip~

"What comes to mind when you see that name?" Mr. Schue asks pointing to the board. 'Madonna'. "Genius" Rachel says. "Icon" Kurt mumbles. "Hall of Fame MILF" I give Puck a look and he shrugs. "Great sexy time songs" I say earning a dap from Artie. "Hell yeah" he says and I give him a look. The man has never even had sex. "So, we're all aware of Madonna's musical and cultural significance, which is why this week, your assignment is to come up with a Madonna number." he says and Quinn squeals making me wince. 

"Uh, Mr. Shue? As a dude, Madonna makes me kind of uncomfortable" Puck says. "Yeah, she's smokin' and everything, but can't some of us do something else? Like the guy version of Madonna? Like, you know, Pantera?" Finn asks and I look back at him. "Awesome!" I say and he nods. "Guys! You know, it's come to my attention that many of you haven't been treating the young ladies of our group very nicely lately. You're disrespectful, bullying, sexist, and I hate to say it, misogynistic." Mr. Schue says and I nod. "I have no idea what that means"

"When I pulled my hamstring, I went to a misogynist." Brittany mumbles. "Close" I say leaning over to her. "What it means is, put yourself in their shoes for a change. Culturally, Madonna's legacy transcends her music, because by and large, the subtext of her songs are about being strong, independent and-and confident, no matter what your sex. But more than anything, Madonna's musical message is about equality. And that is something I think you guys need to work on."

"Mr. Shue, I don't think we can have an honest conversation about Ms. Ciccone without acknowledging that her images are as indelible as her songs. I would like to honor her contributions by tackling a multi-media project. With Mercedes." Kurt says and I zone out. I rest my head on Santana's shoulder and she looks down at me. "You're lucky I love you" she says resting her head on mine. "Love you too sis"

" I'm still not down. And no chick intimidates Puckzilla. I just don't think her music translates to show choir." Puck says. "Really? Well I, for one, couldn't disagree more." Rachel says then whispers something to the band. Express yourself starts playing and Santana shouts up making my head fall off of hers. 

(Alex isn't performing)

The song finishes and I stand up clapping, so does Kurt. "That's what I'm talking about! Alright!" Mr. Schue cheers then the bell rings. The guys leave but me and Kurt walk towards the stage. "I am speechless. I'm asking for everyone's hand in marrage. Except for Santana of course" I say and everyone laughs. "No seriously. You girls are amazing. So talented." I say and the girls smile. Kurt starts to talk to everyone when my phone buzzes. I pull it out and see a text from Ryan. 'Wanna talk?' he asks. 'Sure. I'll be right there' I make my way to the choir room and sit on one of the chairs. "Whenever you're ready" he says and I nod. "I love Madonna. And that just made me love her more. And Quinn, oh my god. She looked so good. Honestly things between me and her couldn't be better, we haven't argued once. I think the only thing I might have to try and stop is her constantly asking if I'm with Rachel. It's ovbious she's with Jessie, but you know"

~Time Skip~

"What are you going to do for the Madonna number?" Quinn asks and I shrug. "Come on. You gotta do something" she says. "I don't know. It's just I've never really been able to relate to her stuff. My favorite song is 'Like A Virgin' for obvious reasons. But my first time wasn't special. It was in the back seat of a rental car at the drive-in" I say and Quinn frowns. "I feel you. I was too drunk to remember my first time" she mumbles and I look over at her. "Wait. What?" I ask sitting up. "Yeah I got really drunk" she says and I turn to face her fully. "Was Puck drunk too?" I ask and she nods. "He wasn't as drunk as me though. He's able to handle it better, more practice I guess" she says and I nod. "You're being honest with me? You're not saying that he was drunk cause you know I'll kill him if he wasn't?" she laughs and shakes her head. "Trust me. I'm being honest"

"Now continuing. Both our first times were crappy" Quinn says. "Oh no. It was awesome, it just wasn't special" she laughs and rolls her eyes. "Right. They weren't special. So... let's just say that it didn't count. We can start over. Be each other's first times" she says grabbing my hands. "Seriously?" I ask and she nods. "Okay. Yeah" I say with a smile. "Wait. Do my other times not count then?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. "Yes" she pushes me onto the bed and gets on top of me. "You waist no time Ms. Fabray" she rolls her eyes and lays down. "Not yet" she whispers putting her head on my chest. The door opens and Santana walks in. "That was the worst 10 minutes of my life" she groans and I laugh. She told me that was planning on taking Finn's virginity and I guess that's how it went.

"It was all sweaty and gross. Never again" she plops down next to us and Quinn lifts her head up. "What the hell are you talking about?" she asks. "Your ex-boy toy. Can I just you made a good choice going with Lexy over here. From what I've heard she's the way to go" Santana says and Quinn gasps. "Wait? Did you have sex with Finn?" she asks with a smirk. "Yep. Never again" Quinn laughs and I sigh in relief. I totally thought she was going to kill Santana. 

~Time Skip~

"What the hell?! It seems like everyone is doing things now just to hurt my feelings" Finn complains and I roll my eyes. "I thought you all would take this news a little better. I'm a star. You can learn from me." Jessie says and I scoff. "We were already fighting for second leads. And now that you've shown up, I've lost all hope at ever getting a solo." Kurt says making me nod. "Yeah, that's right. And y'all just trot me out at the end of every number so I can wail on the last note. How is that okay?" Mercedes adds. "Exactly. She's got more talent then you know Schuester"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys. I saw all the paperwork, I spoke with his parents..." Mr. Schue says and I roll my eyes. I look at Rachel and shake my head. "They winter in Bali. It's a very expensive phone call." Jessie says. "We get rich boy. Go back to Bel Air" I say and he glares at me. "Jessie just moved in with his uncle, which is in our school district. It's all above board, guys. He goes to this school now."

"But this isn't fair" Artie complains and I nod. "Guys! Everyone who's ever auditioned for this group has gotten in. That's how we do things here. Okay, to suddenly change the rules now, that would be unfair." Mr. Schue says. Brittany raises her hand and I look over at her. "Mr. Schue is he your son?" I laugh and look over at Jessie. "He looks more like Alex" Santana says and Jessie raises his eyebrows. She's got a point. "It's clear Rachel has a type" Ashley says making me laugh. "Whatever. Jessie i don't understand why you're doing this"

"Because when you love something, you got to go for it. You would never be with me completely if I were on the opposing team. And I care about you more than winning another national title. So I left Vocal Adrenaline. For you." I roll my eyes and squint at him. I don't trust this guy. "All right, guys, we have got a lot of work to do. Jessie, great to have you here. Welcome aboard. Okay! from the top." Jessie sits down next to Rachel and I lean towards him. "hey" I say making him turn around along with Rachel. "You hurt her, and I will kill you" I say glaring at him. He nods and Rachel sends me a smile. I lean back and Quinn hits my head. "Ow. He's the same one who got mad at her for saying no. Come on Quinn. I would do that same for any of these girls"

"Puckerman!" I shout looking at him. "You hurt Santana and I'll kill you" I say making him nod. "See. Now ready." I pull out the mirror I keep in my pocket and look at myself. "Alex, you hurt Quinn and I will kill you" she laughs and roll her eyes. The bell rings and I follow after Jessie. "Hey" I say stopping him. "Hi. What's up?" he asks looking around. "Don't worry I'm not gonna hit you or anything. At least not yet. I just want you to know, Finn is gonna be kind of cold to you. Just don't take it personally. He'd be cold to anyone because they're with Rachel." I say and he nods. "What do you think about Rachel?" he asks. "Honestly she's cool. Just know that she will do what it takes to get to the top. That's one thing you have to be carefull of" I say and he laughs. "Uhm they said that Rachel had a type. Did you two?" he asks and I nod. "Yeah we dated for like a month. Then she cheated on me" I say with a shrug. "Okay then. I gotta go. I'll see you later"

Thanks for reading <3

𝔗𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔡 ~ Q. Fabray (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now