Wheels: Pt 2

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Alex's POV

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" I hear from inside my math class. "Lo juro por Dios. Voy a matarte. Sava tus cuerdas vocales con mis propias manos. Pruébame perra" oh crap it's Santana. I drop my pencil and run out. I make my way to the middle of the circle to find a terrified Rachel and a pissed off Santana. "Santana I have no idea what you're saying" Rachel stutters. "She's saying that she's gonna rip out your vocal chords with her bare hands. Nothing major" I say and look over at Santana. Behind her is Quinn who's in her wheelchair. "Now can we stop fighting. Rachel" I motion for her to walk over to me and she does. "I want her to kill you. Don't get that twisted but the only reason why that's not happening is because we sort of need you for sectionals. So you need to watch it" she nods and looks down. "Bye" she mumbles and walks off. "Now you" I point to Santana and walk over to her. "Yeah this whole threatening to kill Rachel thing is not happening. Leave her alone" she groans and rolls her eyes. "Can at least throw slushies at her" she asks crossing her arms. "I heard nothing" she smiles and walks away with Brittany rolling behind her. Everyone else goes back to doing their own thing.

"Ms. Fabray. You need to stop being everywhere. It's like I can never escape you" she rolls her eyes and rolls up to me. "Alright my turn" I say motioning to her wheelchair. She gets up and I sit down. "Come on it's our turn for the bake sale" she sits on my lap surprising me a little. I clear my throat and roll us over to the cafeteria. "So have you talked to Rachel like at all about what happened?" she asks looking back at me. "No. I don't really feel like talking to her. I will eventually get around to it" I roll through the caf doors and over to the table. "Well aren't you two adorable" Santana says with a smile. I laugh and look over at Puck who's glaring at me. "Quinn where's your wheelchair" Finn asks. "This is her wheelchair Hudson. I'm just giving her a ride" I say with a smile. "Oh I bet you are" Santana laughs. "Well we are here for our slot" Puck gets up and walks away. "You forgot your chair!" he just keeps walking. I shrug and get up so Quinn can sit back down in her chair. I sit in Pucks wheelchair and gag when I feel how warm the chair is. "Why is it so warm?" Santana and Quinn giggle and I roll my eyes.

Brittany walks up with that Becky girl and I smile. "Oh my god. What is she doing?" Quinn asks putting her face in her hands. "I think they're kind of friends" Finn says. "Brittany is always cheating off her test papers in math class." I whisper. "See, so many? And look how pretty they are Becky" I look over at my sister and find her staring at Brittany with a smile. "Brittany you're supposed to be in your wheelchair" Santana says wiping off the smile. "I lost it" I giggle and Quinn slaps my arm. "Stop hitting me. You've got that crazy pregnancy strength now" I say to Quinn and she rolls her eyes. "You keep rolling your eyes and they're gonna get stuck up there" I say then look back at Brittany and Becky. Becky gives Santana a dollar in return of a cupcake. Brittany waves goodbye and then Becky walks away. "So how much do we have now?" Brittany asks and I look over at Finn. "Well, with this one dollar we have... one dollar" I scoff and lean back in the chair. "This is ridiculous" Quinn says and I nod. "Well maybe if we put a jelly bean or something on top we'd sell more"

"Are you an idiot?! How am I supposed to trust you to take care of our baby when you can't even figure out how to sell a damn cupcake?" Quinn snaps. "Stop attacking me. I'm sick of it" my eyes go wide and I smile. "Get a job" Quinn says and I snicker. "I'm trying" Finn stands up and kicks his wheelchair then walks away. "Clean up on aisle four" I say and Quinn groans. She tries to get up but gets stuck. I stand up and help her out. "Hey you go ahead. I'm gonna stay here and try and sell this cupcakes." she nods and rolls out. After I see her leave the caf I stand up. "Alright! Listen up bitches! You are each gonna buy one cupcake or so help me God I will rip off your hands and feed them to you!" I shout and everyone runs over. "Wow. That worked" I sit down and start collecting the money as Santana gives out the cupcakes. Soon they're all done and I smile. "Only 100 bucks but we're getting there" we high-five then she leaves. "Yeah sure no problem. I'll just clean all of this up myself" she nods and then continues to roll away.

𝔗𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔡 ~ Q. Fabray (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now