Preggers: Pt. 2

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Alex's POV

"This is garbage. What the hell does Beyoncé have to do with football?" Puck asks clearly pissed off. "Why don't you ask Kurt? He seems to be the only one who can score on this team. Even in practice." Finn says. "Speak for yourself Hudson. I get touchdowns. Maybe you need to fix your throw. You're not gonna keep Quinn for long if you keep playing like that" I say earning a glare from Finn. "So we're taking coach advice from Lance Bass now?" all the guys start to make fun of Kurt and I can tell his mood dropped. "Right and your so cool Puckerman. You look like someone glued a squirrel to your head. Go back to your punk band bitch!" he charges at me and I push him against the lockers. Finn pulls me off and I cross my arms. "Guys. Athletes are performers just like singers and dancers. And think about it. Jim Brown. Dick Butkus" Mr. Schue says and I nod. "O.J" Finn says. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"O.J. Right. All pretty tough guys. All of them had big careers as performers. Now, I don't think you guys are losing because you don't have the talent. You're losing because you don't have the right attitude" Mr. Schue says. "Oh I get it. We have to think more like Amazonian black women" Puck says making me scoff. "They still get more action then your Fuckerman" I say and he flips me off. "Think about it. If you can sing and dance in front of people everything else is easy." I nod agreeing. "Coach. Please. Step in here" Puck says and Coach shakes his head. "I'm down with it. I mean, heck, what do we got to lose? We gave up our pride when we lost to that school for the deaf." Kurt raises his hand and I look over. "That's true. Sun Tzu says in his 'Art of War' to never let the enemy know you. Our greatest weapon could be the element of surprise. Don't tell me that you wouldn't be on your heels if the other team started busting a move on the field." I nod thinking of it. Coach blows the whistle making me wince. "Okay too much talking, not enough stretching. In the choir room in full pads in five." I give Kurt a high-five and we make our way over to the choir room. We walk in finding the girls talking. "Oooh look at our queens in their uniforms" I look at Kurt and he shrugs. "Looking good Lexy" Britt says walking out. Quinn stays back and Kurt gives me a look. "You know this dance. Go" I nod and me and Quinn walk out. "Can we talk under the bleachers?" she asks and I nod.

We get there and sit on the couch. "Before I start talking I have to ask. How many girls have you done on this couch?" she asks squinting at me. "Two. Now what did you want to talk about?" she shakes her head and sighs. "I just want you to know that I'm only with Finn for face you know?" she says and I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" she sighs and shifts closer. "I liked Finn in 9th grade for sure. But this summer when you hit on me it just made me feel something different. Then we got closer and I don't know I realized I don't want to be with Finn. I want to be with you" she takes my hand and I sigh. "Listen Quinn I can't hurt Finn. I knew him far before I knew you. I really like you. Hell I'm falling for you. But for me to do that to him is just wrong." she sighs and nods. "Can you just stay here with me" I nod and lay down. She lays next to me and I wrap my arms around her. "But Quinn if you don't really like Finn you should break up with him. It's not fair. And when you do then maybe I'll let you all over this" I say making her laugh. She looks up at me with a smirk. "Hold up did you say that you were falling for me?" my eyes go wide and I look down. "I did not say that. I think pregnancy is making you hear things"

She scoffs and hits me in the head. "It's so not. You know what? I was going to be honest and tell you that I was falling for you too but that joke does not get you anything" she says laying back down. "You know what I'm going to break up with Finn. I just need the right timing." she says with a smile. "Just know it's going to hurt him" I say and she nods. "That's what I'm afraid of." she says with a frown. "He's strong. No matter how much he cries while watching pixar" she laughs and moves up. "Alex Lopez what are you doing to me?" she asks shaking her head. "Nothing yet. You're still dating Finn" she rolls her eyes then looks back at me. "It sucks that I can't kiss you" I mumble and she nods. "It does. Doesn't it" she leans in and kisses my nose. "There. You got your kiss" I smile and pull her closer to me. "Quinn I gotta be honest with you" I say and she sits up a little. "I almost kissed Rachel. It happened the day before when you found me in her house." I sigh seeing her upset. "Why wouldn't you tell me?" she asks. "I knew you would be mad at me. I'm sorry" she shakes her head and shrugs. "At least you didn't actually kiss her. Then I would kill you" I laugh and I pull her back to me. "Is there something in your pocket?" she asks sitting up a little. "Yeah. Mentos. You want one?" she nods and I pull them out. 

~Time Skip~

It's time for the football game and we're all in a huddle. "Well I think we really came together this week as a team" Finn says and I nod. "Yeah a gay team. A big gay team of dancing gays" Puck says and I scoff. "Being gay is great Puckerman. And football is more gay than anything. Guys tackling and rubbing all over each other fighting over a ball. Seems pretty gay to me" I say earning a few glares. "Seriously Finn, it was fun in practice and all... but we can't do that out here in front of everybody. It'll make us even more of a joke" Finns mood drops and he sighs running off the field. I follow along and get behind him.

The game is going horrible. "Time-out!" Finn shouts and we all go into a huddle. "Dude we gotta do it" Finn says and I nod. "We'll be jokes for the rest of our high school lives." Puck says. "We're already jokes. We're getting creamed out there" I say rolling my eyes. "Alex is right. I don't wanna be a Lima loser for the rest of my life" Finn says pissed off. Puck starts to think about it and one of the players approaches us. "You left tackle, your mama's so fat... her cereal comes with its own lifeguard. Like Baywatch!" I roll my eyes at her horrible try for a insult. "Hey ankle grabber. I had sex with your sister. No seriously. I came to your house. And then I had sex with her in your bed. Nice Star Wars sheets" I say turning back. "Come on Puckerman. What do you think show these losers whose boss?" he thinks for a little and nods. "Let's do this" Finn nods and turns to everyone else. "Okay 'Ring On It' on three" we get out of the huddle and take our places. 

(Alex gets the touchdown instead of Puck)

We win the game and I find Quinn kissing Finn. So much for 'I'm falling for you Alex'. I frown and walk past them. I walk into the locker room and get changed. "Great catch" Puck says putting out his fist. "Thanks" I bump his fist and grab my bag. I walk out of the locker room and walk out to my car. I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around. "You did great" Quinn says. "Yeah thanks" I look down with a frown. "Hey what's wrong?" she asks grabbing my hand. "Nothing" I say pulling my hand away. "Where's Santana?" I ask not making eye contact. "She's staying over and Brittany's house. Now can you please talk to me?" she asks and I sigh. "I thought you were breaking up with Finn." I say with a frown. "I know I did" she says kicking the ground a little. "It's been 4 days Quinn. There have been perfect times. Just admit it you don't like me as much as you say you do" I say and she shakes her head quickly. "No. You're wrong. I like you a lot more than you think I do." she grabs my hand and pulls me towards my car. "Do you trust me?" I nod and she puts out her hand. "Keys" I furrow my eyebrows and hand her the keys. "Get in" I open the door and get in and so does she. She starts the car and drives off.

She pulls up at her house and now I'm even more confused. "Come on" we get out and I throw my bag in the backseat. She unlocks the door and walks in. "Quinn why am I here" she doesn't answer and just pulls me up the stairs. She opens the door to her room and we walk in. "Last time you were here you never got to really see my room." she leads me to her vanity where there were a bunch of pictures. "Take a look" she says and I turn back to the pictures. I look to my right and see a bunch of pictures of her with Brittany and my sister. I look to my left and see a bunch of pictures of her and Finn. "These ones are my favorites" she says motioning to the ones in the middle. I look in the middle and find pictures of me and her. "The ones we took over the summer" I say and she nods. "When I asked you to send them to me I went to the store and got them printed. Every morning I sit here and get ready even when I don't want to I look at the pictures of us and remember that I get to see you everyday." she says and I smile. 

"Quinn why am I in the middle and not Finn?" I ask looking at her. "Because for some reason no matter what crap I'm going through you always find a way to make me laugh, or smile, or feel like I'm the greatest girl in the world. You balance everything out. You balance me out. I know that this situation isn't ideal but I do want to be with you. I feel like your my.... I can't believe I'm saying this out loud" she says with a chuckle. I grab her hands and motion for her to continue. "I feel like your my soulmate" she says and I can't stop the smile on my face. "You really feel that way?" I ask and she nods. "Can I kiss you?" I ask and she nods. I pull her towards me and lean in. She closes the gap and wraps her arms around my neck as I wrap them around her hips. After a little we pull away and she rests her forehead against mine. "You're my soulmate too" I whisper and she smiles. 

Thanks for reading

𝔗𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔡 ~ Q. Fabray (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now