Twenty-Eight: Halloween Shopping

Start from the beginning

The akuma scowled and they could almost sense the fumes coming out of her ears, a dark purple outline covered her face and both superheroes got into defensive stances.

"You will follow my orders!" Drama Queen scowled, pointing a golden staff in their direction, "Since you two weren't so pleasant with me, I'm going to turn you into peasants!" She pointed her staff in Chat's direction so quick, he barely had time to register it before Ladybug swooped in and pushed them both down.

She quickly picked him up, dodging the hits from the akuma's golden staff and leaped through the air and behind a building structure.

"The akuma must be in her staff," Ladybug said, a hand resting onto her chin.

"I have a wrong feline about that LB, why would someone carry a staff around? Unless it was a different object, but my gut feline's telling me that it's in her crown, it is an accessory after all," Chat said.

Ladybug thought for a minute and realized that Chat might be right there, "That's reasonable," she told him with a smile, "Let's see what we can get our hands on first and break the object to see."

"Got it," Chat said, flashing her a grin before they both leaped towards the akuma.

'Drama queen' was going around turning people into different things, some were turned into knights, some were peasants, some were ladies in waiting, some were her suitors, and her parents had been turned into the Prince and Princess. Although the downfall was, they were all under her spell and had no control over their bodies.

"Attack!" 'Drama Queen' yelled at her 'knights' so they could grab the superheroes miraculouses. 

They launched towards the heroes, Ladybug swung her yo-yo which caused them to bounce off of it, and Chat launched some far away with his staff. When he heard a loud crash from tossing the 'knights' away, he winced.

"Sorry guys! I reckon this must be a knightmare for you!" He called out apologetically as Ladybug face palmed.

"They just keep coming, we need to get off ground, the akuma can fly remember?" Ladybug said as Chat nodded. The two leaped back onto the buildings and began running on them towards 'Drama Queen' who scowled at their appearances.

"Even my knights couldn't deal with you? How embarrassing! They deserve a downgrade!" She huffed angrily as Chat snickered at her pettiness.

"We need to wrap this royal disaster up, Lucky Charm!" Ladybug said, throwing her yo-yo into the air, an object landed into her hands and she looked at it in confusion and disappointment.

"What on earth am I supposed to do with a hairclip?" Ladybug asked.

"Maybe you could clip up her ego?" Chat asked with a smirk, as Ladybug chuckled.

She looked around but couldn't seem to formulate a plan just yet, "We need to keep looking," she told Chat as he nodded.

The akuma had disappeared and it had gotten oddly quiet, the two continued running across buildings until they saw 'Drama Queen' hiding behind one, with her back turned.

"Shh," Ladybug said, putting a finger to her lips, Chat nodded and they slowly crept up behind her, Ladybug still had no idea what to do with her lucky charm, but they had a chance to grab something.

Once they were close enough, Ladybug motioned to grab 'Drama Queen's' staff and that is what Chat did. 

"Surprise princess!" He said, jumping towards her as the villain looked at him shocked, he was close enough to grab the staff so he swiped it out of her hands.

"Cataclysm!" Chat called out and the staff turned into specks of black dust, but there was no akuma in it.

"My wand!" 'Drama Queen' wailed, "You'll pay for this!" 

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