Twenty Three: Nervous

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Cute edit I found online <33

Chat had dozed off along with Marinette a few minutes after she had fallen asleep, he didn't have the heart to leave her and figured staying with her for a few more hours wouldn't do any harm.

He was quite comfortable really, holding the girl he loves, the love of his life, in his arms as she happily and peacefully stayed cuddled into him. Chat was having quite an amazing dream, but unfortunately it was interrupted by a tug on his shirt and a whisper-yell in his ear as his eyes burst open.

"Kid wake up! It's 3 in the morning, unless you want her to find you like this later, I suggest getting up and going! Plus I'm hungry, I deserve some resting time!" Plagg whined near Adrien's ear.

Adrien sighed, he knew Plagg was right and it was better for him to leave right now and get going or else Marinette would find Adrien in her room, not Chat, connect the dots, and possibly kick him out or have a meltdown, or both.

He looked down at her one last time, she looked so peaceful while she was sleeping, like she didn't have a worry on her mind, and that alone made Adrien feel happy. He nodded at Plagg and muttered a 'Claws out' covering Marinette's eyes in the process so the transformation light wouldn't hurt her eyes and wake her up.

Once he was transformed, he removed his hand from her eyes and gently untangled himself from her arms, pulling her blanket up to cover her. He quickly jumped down from her bed, scribbled a note placing it on her desk, before getting up onto her bed and pushing the trapdoor open. He looked down once again with a small smile before leaping through her door and shutting it gently behind him.

He jumped off her balcony and into the quiet Parisian night as he made his way back to the Agreste mansion, which was only a few minutes away from her house. He leaped through his window, landing softly on the ground, and shut the window quickly before detransforming. Plagg flew away to find his snack while Adrien walked into his bathroom to quickly wash up and change.

He walked out a few minutes later and plopped down on his bed, he was a little tired, but not too tired because of the sleep he had gotten, so he just lay on his bed staring at the ceiling for a bit.

Plagg floated up near his face and looked at the boy questioningly, "You alright kid?" He asked.

Adrien nodded, "Yeah, just thinking Plagg," Adrien responded.

"What're you thinking about?" Plagg asked, snarfing down his fifth piece of cheese as he studied the blond boy below him.

"About where I'm going to take Marinette later tonight," Adrien replied.

"Already? Boy you humans really tend to overthink a lot, you've got a lot of time to worry about that," Plagg said.

"Not really," Adrien said with a slight frown, "First I have to sleep, then I have school, fencing, Chinese lessons, and the rest of the time for me to get ready and prepare everything."

"Why don't you just take her where you planned that 'date' with Ladybug a while ago?" Plagg offered.

"You mean the night I told Marinette I was in love with Ladybug?" He scoffed, "I don't think that's a great first date spot Plagg."

"That's true," Plagg shrugged, "Well you could do something similar but somewhere else."

"Like the Eiffel Tower? Wouldn't that be a bit cliché though?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah you're right, too cheesy, you could take her there another time though," Plagg replied.

"I guess I'll take her to another rooftop area with a great sunset, some pretty flowers, and set some stuff up there," Adrien said smiling.

Better together 🖤An MLB Fanfic: MariChat ~Where stories live. Discover now