Eighteen: I've moved on

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Alya and Marinette had finally finished their chemistry homework with Marinette groaning throughout the whole thing and complaining how she was terrible at it without Chat's help. Alya just rolled her eyes at her friend in amusement, she couldn't completely blame her, chemistry could be hard.

Shoving her notes in her backpack and zipping it up, Marinette set her bag to the side not wanting to look at it until the next day. Alya set hers down near Marinette's chaise while her friend grabbed her laptop so they could watch something for a bit. Humming to herself, Marinette logged into Netflix and accidentally clicked on something. It was the movie Chat and her were watching and hadn't finished yet. She frantically turned the movie off before moving her cursor towards the search tab, her cheeks slightly tinted pink.

"Ou that looked good, we should watch it," Alya said, gesturing to the movie Marinette had accidentally played.

"I would love to Alya but I promised someone I'd finish it with them soon," Marinette said with an apologetic smile.

"Would that someone happen to be Chat?" Alya asked, smirking.

Marinette's cheeks blazed red as she turned away, "Maybe," she muttered.

Alya laughed at that, "Alright I get it, that's kinda cute though," she said.

"What is?" Marinette asked, raising a brow.

"You and Chat duh," Alya said, stating the obvious, and Marinette rolled her eyes.

She finally found a movie and clicked on it as her and Alya watched it intently. They didn't talk much throughout the movie, making small remarks here and there, laughing at humorous scenes, and so on. An hour had passed and Marinette glanced at the time, noting that it was almost time for dinner. Alya's phone buzzed just then and she pulled it out to check what it was.

A slight frown appeared on her face as she gave her best friend an apologetic smile, "That was my parents, they want me home for dinner," she said.

"It's alright, I'll see you tomorrow at school Al," Marinette said with a smile as she switched off her laptop.

Alya nodded and gave her a hug, "Don't overthink while I'm gone Mari, I promise it'll all be okay," Alya said, squeezing her hand.

"I'll try," Marinette said with a light laugh. Alya gave her a playful warning look before the two girls waved goodbye to each other and Alya opened her trapdoor to head downstairs.

Tikki flew in front of Marinette, "Alya sure is nice for giving you advice," Tikki said.

"Yeah, she's the best, I'm glad I could talk to her about it, not that you aren't good at advice Tikki!" Marinette added in quickly.

Tikki giggled and shook her head, "Don't worry Marinette I completely get it, she's a human too and properly knows what love is, unlike us kwami's," Tikki said.

"I wouldn't completely agree on the love part, you do love me right?" Marinette asked with a small giggle towards the end.

Tikki giggled and nuzzled Marinette's cheek, "Of course I do, you're my owner, and the best one I ever had," Tikki said and Marinette gently rubbed her finger across her tiny body with a smile.

"Marinette! Dinner's ready sweetie!" Sabine called out.

"I'll be right there maman," Marinette called back.

She quickly headed downstairs opening her trapdoor while Tikki stayed there. Making sure her owner was gone, Tikki poked her head through Marinette's trapdoor that lead to her balcony. The little kwami's eyes widened slightly as she saw Adrien and Plagg on her balcony, chatting amongst themselves, luckily not noticing Tikki.

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