Fourteen: Thinking of her

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"I can't believe you missed out on the chance to kiss her you idiot, she was literally waiting for it!" Plagg said, holding a piece of camembert in his hand with an annoyed look.

"She was?!" Adrien asked surprised. He had almost kissed Marinette yesterday while they were eating ice cream at André's, he had let his emotions control him and could've nearly messed everything up between them.

Plagg face palmed himself and groaned, "You've got to be kidding me, I'm stuck with the most oblivious teenager in the world."

"Oblivious? I don't know what you're talking about Plagg," Adrien said crossing his arms.

"If you weren't so oblivious maybe you'd actually have a girlfriend right now," Plagg muttered under his breath.

Adrien glared at him, "What did you say?" He asked.

"Nothing, just proving my point," Plagg said turning his head.

"Well I know for a fact I'm not oblivious," Adrien said.

"I'm this close to leaving you and going to Ladybug right now," Plagg said holding his two little hands with a small space between them, "but you're lucky you have a good supply of cheese."

Adrien smirked at him in response causing Plagg to groan, "Stop stalling, even if I don't care about your love life Adrien, I can at least help make progress and stop hearing you complain," Plagg said causing Adrien to frown.

"I don't have a love life Plagg," Adrien said softly.

"Well you could have one if you'd actually do something about it, now back to Marinette," Plagg said.

Adrien squirmed slightly, "Marinette," he repeated.

"Why didn't you kiss her?" Plagg asked, taking a bite of cheese.

Adrien shrugged, "I wasn't sure if she wanted it, we both just got out of a relationship and she seemed so heartbroken," Adrien said quietly.

"You know, between you and me, I definitely think she likes you," Plagg said, silently hoping Tikki wouldn't kill him later for saying too much.

"You think so?" Adrien asked, eyes brightening.

"If she didn't she would've kicked you out of her room by now, she likes you coming over, and she does flirt with you back, there's also a little twinkle in her eyes when she talks to you, the same twinkle I have when I look at cheese," Plagg said, staring at the piece in his hand in adoration.

Adrien rolled his eyes at Plagg's love for cheese but smiled at the thought of Marinette actually liking him. It was pretty obvious that he had fallen for his adorable classmate at this point, she made him feel loved and safe, she checked on him and spent time with him, never pushing him out. The thought of having somebody as amazing as her returning his feelings made him giddy. He wanted to jump up and down and scream it out to the world, but knew he couldn't. The blonde boy was still happy regardless, someone might actually like him back!

He smiled like an idiot as Plagg groaned, "Oh no, you have that lovesick expression on your face again," Plagg said.

"Can you blame me?" Adrien said with a happy sigh, "She might actually like me!"

"Or not, you can't be 100% sure," Plagg shrugged.

"Way to kill the mood Plagg," Adrien muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Well there's only one way to find out," Plagg said.

"You're right! Plagg claws ou- 

"Not now you idiot! You have school!" Plagg interrupted him, his tiny arms flailing. 

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