Nya rolled her eyes playfully as she walked up to him. Once he realized she was outside, he looked up from his phone and put it in the pocket of his red summer jacket.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest once she was standing right in front of him and squinted his eyes at her. "Into the car. Now." He commanded before he got in the car himself.

Nya walked around the car and opened the passenger's door and got inside, quickly buckling her seatbelt.

Kai started up the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. "So, care to explain?" He began.

Nya sighed. "Freddy saw us at the countryside together."

"And what were you doing there? Weren't you at home, sick?" He looked at the road as he seemed to get angrier.

Nya lowered her head. "We wanted to spend some ti-"

"Nya, you both skipped school just to hang out?! You have after school time and the weekends, why would you just ditch school like this?" He raised his voice.

"Well, we thought that since we were skipping, no one in school would find us!" She retorted.


She sighed angrily at the thought. "But Freddy and some of his friends saw us."

"Of course they did." Kai groaned. Then his voice became softer again. "Nya, skipping school once in a while isn't something I'd be mad about, you know that. But the fact that your principal called me to make sure of you having been home is what's ticking me off." He explained.

"I know, Kai." Nya said softly. "We managed to convince him that there's nothing between me and Jay, and he believed us only thanks to you. I owe you some." She smiled at him.

He smiled back at her at a red traffic light, but his smile was more mischievous. "You owe me a lot. How was my acting?" He asked.

Nya laughed. "On point, bro. He really believed that!" She exclaimed loudly, almost sounding surprised.

Kai put one of his hands on his heart, his tone getting very high pitched. "You almost sound like you're surprised, sis! I am a natural, puh-lease." Then he ran through his hair with the same hand before he winced and groaned. "I keep forgetting I have gel in my hair!" He exclaimed.

Nya laughed at him, so he glared at her shortly.

His sister then remembered something. "So, did you get the job?"

Kai had gone out to have a job interview at Hairylicious, a well-known hair salon, yesterday. That's why he wasn't at home when Nya was supposed to be out sick.

A few weeks prior, Kai had told his little sister about an open job space at the hair salon. He had told her that he wanted to get hired by them. Nya was shocked at first, not remembering him ever stating he was interested in working at a hair salon. But then again, Kai new a lot about hair products.

Having a hair addiction like that was a plus at that point.

Nevertheless, she was supportive and helped him write his biography and the email he had sent to the hair salon right after he had found out they were looking for a new staff member.

And the salary was high as well.

Kai sighed. Nya looked at him apologetically, expecting him to have been rejected. However, he smirked and looked at her. "I got the job!" He exclaimed.

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