CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE - Return To Fort Bragg

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The next morning, Lord Frost returned to collect Timber and Henry. Timber opened the door just before he could knock.

"Good morning," said Lord Frost. "After breakfast, we will begin the process of returning to our own time."

A tray of hot breakfast was brought up for them and Lord Frost. The three of them ate together and Timber relayed the events that had transpired during their time in the Victorian Era. She told him of the labor they did, the people they met, the abundance of food, and the lack thereof. She told him about getting lost and Henry's frostbite, and the people who saved them.

When she was finished with her tale, Lord Frost told them of their family and their desperate search. Grace had been the first to notice something was not right when Timber did not call her the day before Thanksgiving as promised. Grace called and called but received no answer. She had gone to the house but no one was there. Xianna and the girls had not seen them since they returned from their trip. When no one had heard or seen from either Timber or Henry, the group began to search.

"They started in Johnson's Park," said Lord Frost. "It is a favorite place of yours, I presume."

"It is."

"They searched all over the park. They searched the beaches, restaurants, and the high school. No one slept that night. On Thanksgiving, when your relatives came, they joined the search. Thanksgiving dinner was canceled. Grace informed me that she called Henry's brother, who had not heard from him at all in over a week and Timber had not called anyone in Louisiana. They spread out and searched the county. Grace was so desperate, she contacted animal shelters, the police, every hospital in the county, even the morgue."

Timber wept soundlessly.

"After a week, Emily had to be rushed to the emergency room. With your disappearance, she was so stressed, that she kept getting sick. She is in a coma as we speak and fighting for her life. Five days later, Dresden found your vehicle and your phones. He found your scent and he found where you vanished. Your tracks were wiped clean, but your scent remained. They searched the area for you. Dresden told Grace to contact me. She did. I joined the search. It was not until several days later that I remembered that you ended up here. I informed Grace and the others that I had found you. I explained where you were and it put her at ease."

"You said you could return us to where we were just before we left," said Henry.

"I did say that, and I can. However, I am going to require help from myself. Time travel magic is complex and time-consuming. If this is done incorrectly, it can cause a time loop and those are undesirable and dangerous."

"When can we begin?" asked Timber.

"In two hours. I need to prepare before I do this. You need rest. I will leave you and return with my counterpart."

"Before you go, I have a question," said Timber, and Lord Frost stopped and faced her with his usual warm smile. "It's not important but I want to ask anyway. The Lord Frost from this era gave Henry a rank promotion. He's a Major now. Can he keep his rank?"

Henry laughed.

"What?" huffed Timber.

"You're adorable," said Henry.

"Yes, Henry may keep his new rank," said Lord Frost with a chuckle. "He has certainly earned it. I will return in two hours."

Lord Frost saw himself out.

"We'll get to see everyone tonight!" said Timber, excitedly.

"Finally," said Henry in relief. "Come on. Let's try to get some sleep."

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