CHAPTER SEVEN - The First Parting Among Them

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"It's one in the morning, Em," grunted Timber into the phone, sleepily.

"It's Daddy. Hurry."

"On our way." Timber shot up, suddenly alert. She hung up and jerked Henry awake. "It's Uncle Chad."

Henry got up immediately and they ran out of the house to the car without changing out of their pajamas. Henry slowed down but didn't stop at any stop signs along the way. Timber called the girls while Henry rushed to Grace's house as fast as he could without speeding too much. Emily was waiting for them. She opened the door.

"The girls are on their way too," said Timber.

Timber looked ahead in the dimly lit home. She could see Grace. She was sitting on a chair, holding her husband's hand. The only light in the house was a single lap on the far side of the bed. The rest of the house was dark. While Grace's home was usually cozy with low light, the atmosphere of the house that night was cold and suffocating. Timber could feel the impending doom and it held her in her tracks. Emily walked over to her mother. Timber was rooted to the spot. She didn't want to see death again but Henry gave her a light nudge and she approached slowly. She reached the bed and she felt a wall go up again. Her eyes stayed on her uncle's shockingly pale face.

"Emily, my precious... baby girl," Chad whispered.


"Don't ever... lose your... beautiful... smile."

"I won't, Daddy. I promise."

Chad smiled weakly and wheezed a little as his eyes found his niece.

"Timber... my brave girl." He struggled to get the words out. "Stay sweet... my daughter."

"I will... Dad."

Chad let the tears fall from his eyes freely. Then he focused them on Henry.

"You're... a good man, Henry." He paused to cough. "Keep all our girls... safe."

"You have my word as a Haven soldier," said Henry, trying not to choke. "I will."

Timber heard the front door burst open and close quietly. Then she was surrounded but no one touched her.

Chad saw them and one side of his mouth smiled a tiny smile.

"I love... you girls."

"We love you, too," they chorused sadly.

Chad's weakening eyes found his wife. He was barely breathing but he found the strength to talk to the woman he cherished.

"I will... never... stop... loving you. My... angel." He took a forced, raspy breath. "Grace."

Timber could smell the change. Chad was dead and she knew it. So did Henry because she felt him grab her shoulder. Chad's eyes stayed on Grace as his body finally gave up it's fight.

"Daddy?" said Emily's weak voice. "Daddy? Daddy!"

Emily and Grace broke down and sobbed into Chad's chest and shoulder. Xianna and the others surrounded Grace and Emily and held them while they cried too. Timber didn't move. She still felt Chad's presence. She glanced at the clock on the mantle. She watched the motionless body for a moment. Then she saw a small orb leave his chest. It hovered for a moment. It saw Timber follow it with her eyes. It went to her and touched her nose. It was Chad's spirit. She smiled a little and watched the orb disappear.

"He's going to Heaven now," said Timber without taking her eyes off of the place where Chad's spirit left through the ceiling.

"Are you sure?" asked Kendra.

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