CHAPTER TWO - The Final Hoorah

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Sunday came and Timber was done. She didn't want to work, clean, cook, or do anything. She was exhausted and annoyed. She had never worked so hard, for so long, doing so many different things. She woke up but she kept her eyes closed and stayed in bed. Henry got out of bed first and put his hand in front of her nose to wake her up. She grunted and rolled over, taking the entire bed for herself.

"Timber, your family is expecting to see us at church."

Timber covered her head with the blankets and huffed. She was tired and she wanted to go back to sleep and stay there all day.

"Well, I will just go make breakfast then," said Henry. "There's no risk of me burning down the new house whatsoever."

Timber responded by wacking her tail against the bed. She heard Henry leave the room and walk down the stairs. She got herself comfortable, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes again.

Ten minutes later Timber sprang out of bed to the sound of the smoke detector beeping wildly. She tripped over the blankets she was tangled up in. As soon as she was untangled, she bolted down the stairs wondering what Henry set on fire. She rounded the stairs and stopped when her eyes found the kitchen. Henry was standing on a chair, holding a lighter up to the smoke detector. Timber sat down and tapped her tail on the floor in frustration. Henry laughed.

Timber flattened her ears and walked away, grumbling the whole way back to bed. Henry followed got off the chair and followed her. Timber wrapped herself in a tight ball. She knew what was wrong and why she was so tired and there was nothing that could be done to prevent it. She did not have any medicine with her. Her aunt had it all. Henry approached and sat down on the bed beside her.

"Timber? Are you alright?"

Timber grunted. She felt Henry touch the back of her neck.

"I'm sorry. That wasn't a good idea, that prank of mine. I'm sorry."

Timber looked up at him. She was tired, frustrated, and not feeling well. She glared at him.

"Am I on my own for breakfast then?" asked Henry.

Timber curled up again. Henry sighed heavily and left the room in slight irritation. He closed the door. Timber could hear him dial his phone.

"Grace? Hey, I'm sorry but I don't think we're going to make it to church today...No, Timber is in a bit of a mood... I don't mind... Bye."

Timber heard him go downstairs. She readied herself to go back to sleep. She opened her eyes again several minutes later to the sound of the front door closing. She smelled Grace's perfume. She was immediately mad at Henry for going over her head. He knew she would obey Grace no matter what. She thought it was a petty move on his part.


Grace's head poked in with Henry's behind. Her hair was still in pin curls and foam rollers under her cream and pink floral silk hair scarf. Her makeup was finished but her nails were bare and she was wasn't wearing any jewelry. Timber glared at them both for conspiring against her.

"I have your medication," said Grace. "I realized that you forgot to grab it when you moved out after Henry called me."

"Medicine?" asked Henry. "Is she alright?"

"Timber is fine," said Grace. She pulled a bottle out of her purse and handed it to Henry. "She only needs two. She'll eat it right out of your hand."

Henry put two tiny white pills in his hand and held them out with his hand flat. Timber used her tongue to pick them up because they stuck to her saliva. She swallowed them and put her head back down. Grace pulled on Henry's arm.

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