Chapter 37 - Ben

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I took care of her. Just like I promised you, Dad. It's been, interesting. Well we aren't boring are we? I shouldn't talk so much to you in my head. I just imagine you're out there somewhere still. Reading my mind. It would be nice, even if it's not true.
"You okay?" Caroline asks, leaning to look at me as we sit on the crowded plane. America will be far behind us soon. Home to the dogs. And my current employment.
"Yeah. Just thinking. Wish we could have found something," I know how much it pains her to think about Rowan. Hell, it pains me. But I'm more content with the dead I think. I've lived with them longer.
"Maybe we did. That man's picture is out there now. Maybe his family can find him," she says, smiling a little, "We did what we could. And we'll keep looking. Someone knows what happened to Rowan."
"Yeah," probably that he's dead, probably that. We'll know when we die. It would be kinder if he was dead. Maybe. There are some brief moments of joy in any life I think. Well, any free one. He wouldn't be free would he? No, that's ridiculous. Hegan's get free eventually.
"You think he's gone?"
"I think if they locked him up he didn't stay that way," I say, "Hegan's are too damn obstinate to stay places they're put or do as their told."
"Maybe he's on the run someplace as well, causing mayhem," she says, smiling now really. I always knew how to make her smile, cheer her up. Good thing too. I'm the only parent she's had since our dad died.
"Yeah, there's something to search. Weird robberies of guns and alcohol, across the middle united states."
"This is the middle united states; that sort of thing probably happens."
"Yeah well, worth a try anyway, right. 'local authorities wonder what man needs that many guns for'."
"Now, that's just you."
"True, 'local authorities wonder what man needs to set that many things on fire for'," I say, making her laugh.
"Fair enough, fire and guns. You're right, worth a look."
"It'll be perfect—hey, look, we solved all your crimes because we want to reclaim and parent you even though you're an adult —don't worry we don't care about the crimes bit; we're sort of wanted as well," I say, making her laugh and cover my mouth.
"Well go on. We'll meet interesting people that way anyway."
"I get to pick the aliases this time."
"Then nothing gets set on fire."
"Then there's no booze."
"No deal."
"Fine booze and fire."
"Why not? Agreed."

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