Chapter 6

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"You what?!" Dean asks, loudly.

"I hate him. He slept with you and then tries to make it better by saying he's in love with me. It doesn't fucking help." Sam says, sitting up on his bed. "He fucked up."

"I know. We both did. But me and you, we're sitting here, talking. We're okay. Why can't you try to forgive Gabe?" Dean asks.

"Because. The one thing he wasn't supposed to do, he did it." Sam says simply. "He promised me." He says, hurt.

"He promised you that he wouldn't sleep with me?!" Dean asks, surprised.

"We made a pact that no matter what neither of us would sleep with the other's loves ones." Sam says. "It was mainly for him because.. well y'know.. but he did it anyways." Sam says.


"Gabriel- calm down. He's gonna forgive you." Cas says, looking at Gabriel. He has tears in his eyes and he's showing no emotion other than that.

"He- I told him. He doesn't care.." Gabe says as a whisper.

"Go talk to him. He cares." Cas says, helping Gabe up.

Gave walks to Sam's room. He's been visiting this room more often as Sam has been unconscious. He knocks and he hears someone stand up from the bed.

The door cracks open and it's Dean. "Talk to him." Dean says and leaves the room.

"Sammy, can I come in?" Gabe asks, hands sweaty.

He doesn't hear a response, just a small 'hmm.'

"Look Sam, I know I messed up. Big time. I just, I really do love you. I'm in love with you. Please just give me a chance. I'm so sorry, forgive me?" Gabriel asks with puppy eyes.

"Gabriel, why would you sleep with my brother if you truly love me?" Sam asks, no malaise in his voice, only curiosity.

"I- I don't know. I'm an idiot." Gabe says.

"Yeah. You are." Sam replies, looking up at Gabe. "I don't forgive you. Not yet at least. I need time, you get it?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Yeah I get it." Gabe says, sadly.

"But for now, somehow, i still love you." Sam says, locking eyes with Gabe.

"Y-you do?" Gabe asks, surprised.

"Yeah but I also hate you for what you did." Sam says simply.

"Yeah. I get it." Gabe says. "I love you too by the way." Gabe says with a small smile. Gabe leaves the room, saying goodnight to Sam. He walks to Cas in the kitchen and hugs him. "He loves me." Gabe whispers.

"I know." Cas says, smiling at his brother.


Weeks pass and Sam and Gabe become somewhat friends again. Sam still holds a grudge against Gabe and Gabe still hates himself for it, but they're talking, at least.

Dean and Cas have also been getting closer. Both staying in Dean's room together, happily. Gabe doesn't know this, of course. Nobody does. Dean and Cas want to keep whatever they have a secret for now.

"Hey Sammy, whatcha doing today?" Gabe asks, walking into the kitchen where Sam was eating a salad.

"Nothing that I'm aware of." Sam says. Perfect. Gabe can make a move.

"Hmm, we should go do something then. We can bring Dean and Cassie." Gabe suggests.

"You know what, sure." Sam says. "What we're you planning?" He asks. He didn't want to accept this offer. He still hasn't forgiven Gabe for what he did, but he thought, 'what harm could be done when everyone is there?'

"Bowling?" Gabe asks.

"Sure, I'll go get Dean and Cas." Sam says, standing up and throwing his empty salad box away.

Gabe smiles to himself. Sam said yes.

Sam walks up to Dean's bedroom door and doesn't even think to knock. It's past 12, so he assumes Dean just slept in.

He walks in and sees Dean big spooning Cas, or the thinks. Oh fuck- they're rocking- and fucking moaning. "Oh hell!" Sam yells, slamming the door shut.

"Sam!" Dean yells from the other side of the door.

"Sorry! God- sorry! Just... hurry up." Sam says, backing away from the door as he hears the moans get louder. He gets into the kitchen, wide eyed and getting flashbacks from what he just saw.

"Sammy? Are you okay?" Gabe asks, placing a hand on Sam's shoulder.

"Dean and Cas are.. uhm.." Sam mutters.

"No way!!" Gabe yells, running to Dean's bedroom. He hears the two and runs back to Sam, partially in disgust, partially happy for the two. "THEY'RE TOGETHER?!" Gabe yells.

"I guess so. We should wait on them.. right?" Sam asks, awkwardly.

"Yeah. Yeah let's wait. I can't wait to tease them about that!" Gabe says, laughing.

A few minutes later, the two walk in awkwardly. "We're going bowling. Get dressed in normal clothes, please." Sam says to the two.

Dean blushes and walks back to his room, Cas staying with Sam and Gabe, for he already has his normal clothes on. "So, you and Dean.." Gabe says, raising his eyebrows at Cas.

"Uh.. yeah." Cas says awkwardly.

"Cas, can I talk to you?" Sam asks, pulling him into another room, leaving Gabe alone.

"What's up Sam?" Cas asks.

"I just- how did you forgive Dean so fast? He slept with your brother.." Sam asks. He wants to be able to forgive Gabe, but he just can't.

"They were drunk and Gabe just wanted you to notice.. Dean offered his help. I understand it's stupid and that should have never happened, but it did. It's in the past, Sam." Cas says, setting a hand on Sam's shoulder. "If you can't forgive Gabriel yet, I get it, but you two have something that is worth fighting for. Please, give him a chance to explain and let him know that he was stupid, but don't be too harsh. Let him feel, and let yourself feel. You both love each other so much, it would be a shame to let that go." Cas says, smiling up as Sam.

"Thank you Cas. How'd you and Dean get together anyways?" Sam asks.

"I went off on him because of how stupid he was to sleep with Gabriel and how they hurt you. I ended up pinning him against the wall and we kissed. It was out of anger but we were so close and I had always wondered.." Cas trails off.

"That's really nice Cas. I'm happy for you two." Sam says, walking back into the kitchen with Cas. They see Dean and Gabe sitting there, each with the same look on their faces as they saw the two enter the room.

Dean and Cas locked eyes and Cas kissed Dean slowly. Gabe and Sam both smile at the couple but they don't meet eyes. They avoid each other's gaze as they all four walk out to the impala.

I'm So Sorry, Forgive Me?// sabriel/destielWhere stories live. Discover now