Chapter 5

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Dean manages to get Sam off of this table while Sam is floating in and out of consciousness.

"Sam- please." Gabriel cries as he tries to heal Sam's wounds.

Sam groans and the three let out a sigh of relief. "Sammy, we're here. We've got you." Gabriel says, placing his jacket over Sam's naked body. He's so vulnerable, Gabriel just wants to make him somewhat less exposed.

"Gabe-" he chokes out before he's coughing up blood.

"Fuck- I can't heal him in here! The warding is making it worse!" Gabe says, snapping the four back to the motel room.

"It's okay Sammy- were here." Dean says, grabbing Sam's hand. Cas places his hand on Dean's shoulder for support and tries to help his brother heal Sam.

The two different angel mojo trying to heal Sam must've done something. There was a huge flash of light and Sam was all physically healed.

"Sammy-" Gabriel gasps, placing his hand on Sam's head. He is still being prayed to by Sam. "He doesn't fully know what's happening yet. He thinks he's still in that place." Gabe says, feeling sorry for the hunter.

"Can you feel it?" Dean asks, feeling sorry for the two.

"Yeah. He's terrified. He just needs some rest, we should let him rest." Gabe concludes making Dean and Cas walk off, whispering about something.

"It's okay Sammy. I'm here. You're gonna be okay." Gabriel whispers as he lays down next to the hunter.


Two days pass and Sam is still unconscious. "Hey Sammy." Gabe says, walking over to the boy. He brushes the hairs out of his face. "We're all still here, take your time. We get it." He says, smiling. He's okay physically and his mind has realized that he's safe now. He's just exhausted.

"Dean, we should go back to the bunker soon." Cas says, looking over at the hunter who is staring blankly at a wall.

"Yeah. Okay." He says with no emotion.

"Dean. What's wrong? We have Sam back, he's safe now." Gabe says. He needs to know why Dean is still acting like they haven't gotten Sam back.

"Do we Gabe? Do we have him back? Because he is still gonna be pissed off at us! He's still gonna hate us for what we did!" Dean raises his voice.

"No! We're not thinking about that right now. We have him back and he's safe. That's what matters. If he hates us, I can live with that as long as he's safe." Gabriel says, putting his hand on Sam's face. "He's okay." He says, smiling to himself.


Another few days pass and the four are back at the bunker, living life carefully around the, still, unconscious moose.

"Guys- maybe we should take him to the hospital. He's been out for days." Dean suggests.

"And say what? That he was tortured by a demon and his angel friends healed him a week ago but he won't wake up?" Gabriel asks, rhetorically.

"You're right. Is he okay in there?" Dean asks, looking for Gabe to place a hand on Sam's head.

When he does, he sees what Sam is seeing. He's at the bunker, living happily. He doesn't know he's dreaming. He thinks it's all real. Gabe incorporates himself in the dream-like state and tells Sam, "Sammy, you're not conscious. You need to wake up." He tells Sam.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks, confused.

"You're asleep Sam." Gabriel says, bringing his hand up to Sam's face.

Sam frowns. "Babe, I don't know what you're talking about." Sam says. Babe?! No way is he dreaming about that.

"Sammy." Gabe says. "Please believe me." He says sadly. He wishes that Sam could just wake up.

"Gabriel, what's happening?" Sam asks, becoming lucid. He's standing really close to Gabe with their hands on each other.

"Are you here now?" Gabe asks.

"Yeah, what- am I out of that place?" He asks, stepping back from Gabe.

"Yeah. You're unconscious. You have to try to wake up." Gabe says.

"Wait- are we in my head?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Gabe replies.

"Well then while I have the confidence.. how could you?" He asks, sadly. "How could you betray me and sleep with my brother?!" He asks.

"I'm so sorry Sam. It was stupid and we were drunk- that's not an excuse anymore. We're stupid and it was a mistake. It didn't mean anything." Gabriel says, stepping towards Sam.

Sam steps back with each step Gabe takes towards him. "Gabriel. You're telling me at 9:00 in the morning, you two were drunk?" Sam asks.

"No- no not then. We were sober then. I was trying to- I just- I wanted you to notice the hickeys. I wanted you." Gabe says simply.

"I don't get it. You sleep with my brother, do stuff with him the next morning, and then say it was because you wanted me to notice?!" Sam asks. "What the hell does that even mean?"

"It means I'm in love with you dammit!" Gabe yells, waking Sam up. They both get thrown out of his head and back to reality.

"You ass." Sam says simply. He gets out of the bed he's been laying in for days and walks off.

"What the hell?! He's awake! What happened?" Cas asks, staring at Gabe in shock.

"I told him." Gabriel says simply, looking down at the bed.

"Fuck sake- Gabriel." Cas breathes.

"He knows?" Dean asks, referring to how they were drunk.

"Yeah he knows that too." Gabe says. "I told him I'm in love with him." He rephrases.

Dean shoots him a sad look and goes to find his brother.

"Sam!" Dean yells through the halls of the bunker.

He walks into Sam's room to see him sitting there, typing away at his laptop. "Welcome back." Dean says, smiling at his brother.

"You fucking slept with my best friend, Dean. I'm not gonna forget that." Sam says, not looking up from his laptop.

"I know. It was stupid and I'm so sorry. He doesn't like me though, he likes you. Hell he loves you." Dean says.

"Yeah. I know." Sam replies, looking up at Dean. "And I hate him for it."

I'm So Sorry, Forgive Me?// sabriel/destielWhere stories live. Discover now