• Manjiro Sano - Arrested

Start from the beginning

A frown appeared on your face when you realized the messed up situation

" So what is your plan then Mikey? Hide her for ever?" Draken snapped irritated.

Getting up you gazed at your short haired friend who unanswered the braided man his question.

Though his care was highly appreciated from your part, you knew that there was only one solution to this whole problem

" Takemichty, Pah, Peyan" you went to stand next your comrades " I've got a plan and I need your and Draken's assistance" you whispered as quiet as possible so the other two wouldn't hear

Your friends looked puzzled at you but nodded none the less, signaling you to continued

Taking a deep breath you began to explain the plan.


Tapping your foot on the ground you waited patiently with Mikey for the rest of the boys to return with your stuff

" They sure take their time" the blond sighed and glanced at you

You only hummed in response while holding your gaze on the ground

Seeing you frown, the boy walked up to you " Hey"

" What?"

" We will figure something out" he tried to reassure

" Mikey, I don't think fleeing for the police is the best option" you dropped your shoulders " I'm basically a fugitive and don't forget that I almost murded a man"

" You would rather be in jail?" He questioned with narrowed eyes

" Of course not! All I'm saying is that I deserve to pay for what I did. " you send him a sharp look

" Besides, Osanai is alive. That means that'll only be in prison for a year."

Mikey didn't know what to say. Even though he understood you, he still refused to let you get arrested.

He may not know how life in prison may look like, but he had heard different stories about it.

And none of them were pleasant

" Manjiro" you placed a hand on his shoulder " If this plan were to fail-"

" It won't" he interrupted you harshly to which you chuckled

" Promise me you won't do anything to get me out. Just let me pay for my crimes like I should"

Looking into your eyes, Mikey couldn't help but sense that something about your request wasn't right. Why did it feel like this was a goodbye?

Nevertheless when he saw how serious you stared at him, he reluctantly nodded in confirmation.

Smiling you took out your phone " Draken is here" you showed him the text message

Turning around you walked out of the abandoned building with the blond following you

However when you stepped outside, instead of just seeing his friends there were also a couple of police cars

With widen eyes, the boy stared in utter shock at his comrades who stood next to a cop

" What is this" he managed to speak

Draken, Takemichi, Pah-chin and peyan come to stand next to their leader with regretful expressions plastered on their faces

Looking over your shoulder you smiled sadly at your blond friend before joining the cop.

Mikey was still in a state of utter confusion. But when Draken took a hold of him and the policeman handcuffed you, did this whole situation click

This had been your plan all along.

" Y/N!" Shifting your head you stared at the Toman leader, who was now struggling in his best friends arms

" Goodbye Mikey" was the last thing you said before getting into the car and driving away with the cops

Immediately after being freed from the braided man his grip, did the dark eyed instantly grab him by the collar " Why did you agree to this?" he half shouted in his face

" If she hadn't gone with them, then her sentence would have been prolonged for much longer. Instead of a year it would have been three. " he calmly explained

" Believe me when I say this wasn't something I liked to do" he grasped his friends hands and pulled then away from his shirt " But like I said before, this was her decision. So no matter what I will respect that."

" And so should you" he finished 

Lowering his gaze, Mikey knew that Draken was entirely right. Yet that didn't change the stinging sensation he felt when he saw you been taken away.

For a very long time he wouldn't be able to laugh, talk, eat or hang out with you. No more late night rides or just goofing around.

" Guys" his voice made his comrades look at him " Once Y/n gets out... Will gonna have one hell of a party" he faintly grinned at them

Relieved that their leader had somewhat accepted reality, their faces lit up and they all smiled at him

" We sure will "

" We sure will "

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I'm sorry if I write a LOT of Tokyo revengers one shots. But I'm literally addicted to the show. I'm still reading the manga ( because I can't wait for the anime) and I can highly recommend it.

Also I'm binging the show again for the thousand time :)

But if you have some characters in mind that you wanna have a story written about, you can suggest them. However I can't promise that I'll use them!

( Editing ) Anime x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now