The Flood was Rising

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It's been a 3 years later after the Herd survived the Ice Age, now they lived peacefully in the Warm place where all the animals are having fun.

They're swimming in the ocean and sliding down on the Slide made of Ice sculpture.

While the baby animals are having fun and Sid became a Lifeguard for the Animals.

Sid: No running, James! Camp rules.

He saw a female Sloth who is attrached at Sid's 'Built Body' then one of the boy started Insulting him.

Kid: Make me, Sloth!

Sid: Make me, sir!

Then, the female sloth got disgusted at Sid's fat stomach then he saw all the baby animals are having trouble.

Sid: Its all about respect, Sarah. You just ate! Wait an hour! Hector! No, no! You can't pee-pee there! Ok, ok! there is fine, Ashley!

Then, he got tied up from his foot by the group of kids begin to bullied him. They pull him up in the top like Piñata fight.

Kid: Stop picking your, Piata! Stop! , you're supposed to wear blindfolds!

Kid #2: Ok! Hey, it's my turn to hit the sloth! , mine. mine, mine, mine! Hey! You didn't have any candy in you!

Kid #3: Lets bury him!!

Before the kids are begin to buried him alive. Manny, Diego and Eleanor are arrived to save him.

Manny: Hey, hey! Whoa! Who said you kids can torture the sloth?

Diego: Manny, don't squash their creativity.

Eleanor: Hahaha!

Sid: Manny! Diego! Eleanor! My bad mammal-jammel! Wanna give a sloth a hand?

Manny grabbed his neck and got out from the ground and put him down.

Sid: Look, I opened my camp! Come forth and sit, It means camp of Sid!

Diego: Congratulations. Youre now an idiot in two languages.

Eleanor: Diego!

Diego: What, it's just a compliment.

Sid: Shhhh! not in front of the K-l-D-Z! These little guys love me! Right, Billy?

Billy: Dont make me eat you!

Sid: Funny, kid! That's why they're called kids!

Manny: I told you Sid, Youre not qualified to run a camp.

Sid: Oh! Since when do qualifications have anything to do with childcare, ? Besides, these kids look up to me, Im a role model to them!

Then the kids are tie Sid's ankles with the rope.

Eleanor: I can see that.

Sid: You guys never think I can do anything, but Im an equal member of this herd! I made this herd! , and you need to start treating me with some respect just like Noree who respected me and sees me as a Brother!!

He hops away while got his ankles tied up and Eleanor was worried about him.

Manny: Come on! Sid!

Diego: Sid! We were just kidding!!

Eleanor: Look what have you done guys, you should be nice and respected to him just like I do. I cared about him even though he's clumsy and weird but I still loved him as brother.

She scolded at Manny and Diego who got startled at Eleanor's strict voice.

Manny: Easy, Kid. Were just joking at your new big brother.

New Friends, New Danger and New Animals (Ice age x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora