Ambrose: We are still at Amita but we're in a different dimension... I guess someone sends us here...

Yuuri: Must be Yami...


Ambrose: *saw a book* The book!

Blake: Rose!! Don't touch it!! I don't want you to read from that book again!!!

Ambrose: But we need to break these dimensions! You didn't want Akio to some insane right?

Blake: *sighs* Fine...

*Ambrose read one of the pages and suddenly, the white world turned into normal, where they saw Yami is already defeated by his brother and try to close the doors of hell.*

Akio: Yami!!!

Yami: *looks* Akio!! How did you get out from my dimensions?!

Ambrose: I read the book!! You have to stop and let me close it!! I know how to stop this!!

Yami: Look! I don't want anyone getting their lives killed! Just stand back and let me close it!

* Yami's body becomes weaker as he was about to get swallowed into hell. Ambrose quickly ran to him and read the book out loud. The door slowly close but someone is trying to pull Ambrose in*

Blake: ROSE!!!

Akio: *jumped into Ambrose and pull him* GO!!!

Ambrose: Agh!! AKIO!!!

*Akio smiles at them and the doors close shut. Yuuri, Blake, and Ambrose watched the tragic events. Yuuri tries to hold his tears but he runs to the doors and kicks it*

Yuuri: YOU STUPID THING!!!! GIVE AKIO BACK!!!! *cried* Akio... Please... Don't leave me alone...

Ambrose: Yuuri... I'm so--

Yuuri: If you didn't open the door in the first place, Akio wouldn't sacrifice himself... Now, look what you've done!!!

Ambrose: *look down and sighs*

*Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Yami was successfully getting inside as he finds Akio in the eternal darkness. He suddenly heard Akio's laughing and crying from the distance. As he getting near, he saw Akio floating while hugging himself.*

Akio: It cold... So dark... So lonely...

Yami: *fly to Akio* Don't worry Akio... I'm here. It kinda reminds me of our first met...

Akio: I can't anymore... My past is haunting me... I can't accept fate... I can't move on...

Yami: Akio... Sometimes, the best medicine is... You have to let it go... I know it's kinda sad but, you have to forget and let it be your lesson...

Akio: Yami... What if I can't do this? I can't forget that...

Yami: Listen, you don't need to sacrifice yourself just like your mother...

Akio: How'd you know?

Yami: I was once your mother's friend... The time that she died, I could feel her soul around me... I could hear her voice... She told me if I found her son, which is you... I will protect you...

Akio: Yami... I don't wanna be alone!!!

Yami: *hug Akio* Let's go... There's someone who doesn't want to be alone too... You wanna confess your feelings to Yuuri?

Akio: *nodded* I always wanna send these messages to him!

*Outside, Yuuri still cried Akio's name then suddenly, the doors open and Yami along with Akio jumped out from it. The door then vanished into thin air, leaving dust. Yuuri and everyone was so happy to see Akio again.*


Akio: Yuuri!! My neck hurts!!

Yuuri: Don't ever do that again!!

Akio: *smiles* I won't leave you, forever!

Yuuri: *smiles back* Akio...

Blake: Well, now everything's turned back to normal!

Yuuri: Yeah! So, what are we going to do next?

Akio: I need to see if there's any crack outside.

*All of them are going outside of the mansion. To their surprise, everything looks more beautiful. It looks like Amita has changed. The sky is blue than before and there's not a single crack on it.*

Ambrose: It's beautiful... It's been so long that I didn't see this beautiful world...

Blake: I'm happy for you, brother!

Yuuri: You still wanna go to Sonic's world someday?

Akio: Yeah... But, for now. Let's have some rest....

Yuuri: Oh! About Yami! Is he alright? Is he still inside your body?!

Akio: Yeah! Don't worry about him! He's fine... He's the one who makes me change my mind...back in the doors of hell...

Yuuri: I'm glad that you didn't sacrifice yourself for us... I can't imagine if you died...

Yami: Don't worry Yuuri. Akio can't die that easily... He's completely changed...

Yuuri: Thanks Yami... For saving him back there.

*So, the four friends decided to leave the mansion and start their new life in Akio's place. After several years, Yuuri has grown up along with Ambrose and Blake while Akio is still in his 15 years old body*

*That night, while Yuuri was studying a mysterious mushrooms, Akio take this opportunity to talk and send the messages to him.*

*To be continued*

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