Ch 28 Teddy Escapes

Start from the beginning

"Victoire?" Harry wondered. "Is Victoire going to be here?"

"They told us that Teddy asked for her, and she would be very unhappy if she was not," the wizard admitted. "She was at home, but she will be here shortly." Just about that time a very harried looking Victoire came running in. The wizard told her, "He's not here yet."

"How is he?" asked Victoire.

"Be prepared for the worst," the wizard consoled the young witch.

"He's alive," Harry elaborated, "but Dan VanLente did not have many hopeful words."

They waited for about ten minutes. There were nine medical witches or wizards, not counting Victoire, waiting, and more types of medical equipment than Harry realized the hospital possessed. Suddenly a large box escorted by four wizards, one on each side, appeared, and then the box opened and inside were Teddy and four more medical wizards. They quickly moved Teddy onto a bed.

Teddy's face was a mess, with a large gash just missing his right eye but going from the top of his head to under his chin. His right arm was at a horrible angle, but at least it was all there. Two thirds to three fourths of Teddy's right leg was missing and one wizard was working trying to stem the flow of blood. Teddy was also obviously in a great deal of pain, but he was conscious.

"I wouldn't let them put me out until I saw you, Victoire, if you still want me," Teddy cried.

Victoire moved to his head, staying out of the medical personnel's way. Harry and Ginny hovered behind her so he could see them as well.

"Teddy, you're a mess," Victoire moaned, tears streaming down her face.

"That's the best you can do," Teddy sniffed. "I bet Ginny had some tender words for Harry when she first saw him after the Battle of Hogwarts."

"She said you're filthy or something like that," Harry admitted, "and then told me to take off my clothes and go take a shower."

"He WAS filthy, Teddy," Ginny confirmed.

"Oh great! Harry, here is the information we have been working hard to get," Teddy remarked, grimacing, obviously in a great deal of pain, pulling out a big packet of material. "I wanted to give it to you in person. Make sure Dan gets a copy."

"Was it worth it?" asked Harry.

"Have to shut it down, capture them. They still do regular human sacrifice. Terrible stuff," Teddy spat out. "Terrible stuff." Teddy turned to Victoire and grabbed for her hand. "I'm not the man who left you, Victoire," Teddy cried. "Sorry about that. Still have the babymaker, though," he grinned, reaching down towards his private parts.

"Teddy!" Victoire loudly snapped, with a disapproving look on her face, then as tender as she could she sniffed, "I still love you. Are you finally ready to settle down?

"I had to do really horrible things to stay alive, to get the maps, Victoria. I'm not sure you still want me."

"Yes, I want you, Teddy," Victoire insisted. "I want to make babies with you, you know that. I know you had to do horrible things to stay alive on that island, and I still want you. I love you."

Teddy was crying. "I don't deserve your love. I had to ... Oh Torie."

"I'm still going to make babies with you," Victoire insisted, wiggling her chest in a provocative manner.

"Oh Torie, you don't' understand. It is not the physical scars. I'm too damaged. I love you but ... Do you still want me?"

"Like my mom married my dad after his face was destroyed," Victoire muttered. "Just proves I'm marrying a hero. Yes, Teddy, I'll marry you."

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