Super Mario invented panel:Ovaleyes Explorer or invader?

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Location:Nintenguard buffing room A.


Mario:For those that willingly came thank for coming.

Zits:Well am here on behalf of the Microtery since the one we're affected to come is occupied at this time.

Mayor Pauline: Am here so you won't turn this into a attack campaign.

Chief senator Archie Andrews: I second the emotion.

Mario:So I better set this in motion with the question Ovaleyes Explorer or invader?

Mario:So I better set this in motion with the question Ovaleyes Explorer or invader?

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-current facts-

Mario: Now for those who don't know Ovaleyes a.k.a Ovalsan L. Ivan started in the Nintenguard tell he went freelance and well let say his ways if lift unchecked he could cause problems.

Jorgen Von Strangle: I know Ovalsan can be a Snoop an Resort two extremes if there's like a don't resolve the problem needed in ways he doesn't like what don't lift a finger on to do something about them

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Jorgen Von Strangle: I know Ovalsan can be a Snoop an Resort two extremes if there's like a don't resolve the problem needed in ways he doesn't like what don't lift a finger on to do something about them.

Mayor Pauline:Or if someone take the glory for someone's dirty Work like oh in New Dork city.

Mario:You know I did all that not him.

Zits: well I pawned researching him kidney stones Dimensions better than those tell are stopped up in the office until he keeps a hand are in his gauntlet Arm for those that wants to know in a hollow display in his palm what those who wants to know on who.

Zits: well I pawned researching him kidney stones Dimensions better than those tell are stopped up in the office until he keeps a hand are in his gauntlet Arm for those that wants to know in a hollow display in his palm what those who wants to kno...

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