I get up and lightly walk towards the door with her following closely behind. I look through the eyehole and don't believe my eyes.

Austin, Rita, Ariana, Marcus, Athena, Mari, Kara, and Aiden are all standing there. I slowly turn on my heels glaring at Lori. "The Johnson's? Really?"

Why would she invite them and not give me time to escape.

Her eyes widen as she whisper shouts at me. "What?!"

"Lori?" I hear Mari's muffled voice call. "You still there?"

Lori freezes as Marcus speaks next. "No shit, we can see her feet shadow"

Shit that's me

She motions for me to run and I do.

I go into the living room and grab my controller turning it off and making it look like she was playing alone.

I hear the door open and use that as my motivation to hurry the fuck up. "What took you so long?" Kara asks.

"Oh, nothing" Lori replies in a funny voice, I can just tell they don't believe her by the silence. "Okay we'll just head to the living room," Austin tells her.


I then grab my phone off the coffee table and run into my room. I lock my door so nobody enters and questions why there's someone else living here. I look for an escape when my eyes land on the one thing I now dread.

That fucking window

I don't even know how many times I've had to jump out of a window at this point, I've been doing that a lot these past three months.

I open the window and slowly make my way through.

Someone shakes my doorknob and I panic, quickly jumping. The last thing I hear is "why is this door locked" by Ath, hitting the grass below and groaning. Good thing we aren't on the top floor, right?

Shit I forgot my fucking keys

Now, what do I do while I wait?

A bright idea pops into my head as I pull out my phone, smiling, and calling my husband.

"Hello," he sings. Someone in the background snorts and asks why he's smiling so hard. "It's my wife"


"Hey hubby" I greet Vince. We aren't actually married, it's a joke.

"What's up my love"

"The sky" I answer, knowing that gets on his nerves for no reason.

"I'm contemplating hanging up" he grunts.

"Wait no!" I stop him before he does anything. "Lori had a surprise visit so I had to hop out the window" I hear someone snicker in the background and I frown. "Whoever's laughing at me right now can suck a dick"

"Yeah Carlo, suck a dick," Vince tells him.

"Why am I on speaker?"

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