What the fuck?

Yeah no.

I start running and putting my legs to use, more tree branches start snapping until I hear a loud thump and everything goes quiet but I don't stop, I'm not a dumbass main character in a horror film.

(That thump was Carlo falling 💀)
(just thought i'd let you know)

Okay, I can't breathe, I should take a break. Is this even good for the baby? I forgot I was pregnant for a second.

Maybe my child will be a fast runner if I keep this up.

Wait they actually might've stopped, I haven't heard anything in a while.

I stop and turn around to see nobody. I look at my surroundings, finding myself at the supermarket.

I should run more often


Lori is currently twirling around a pole while I do work.

Whenever she isn't home, I hide all of my things in the closet and have a secret spot where I hide. I'm lucky she has a big closet though or else I'd rather be staying on the streets.

Lori was supposed to finish a lot of work though, yet she left me with the right assignments.

How much did she even do? Apparently, we were assigned ten assignments that are due tomorrow, which means twenty assignments altogether. She finished twelve, six of mine and hers, which leaves eight left, four from both of us.

Never mind, she did more than enough.

I only finished two so far, it took me a while to finish watching the videos she recorded of the lessons but I got through it.

Time slowly passes and I have one more sheet left. I've finished all of her homework and this last one is mine.

I stop typing when I hear calls, to be more specific, it was aun- Ariana calling Lori. "Lori?" I start packing my shit, I grab my phone, the laptop, the paper I was working with, and my pencil. "Lori, what have you been doing all these days?" I run with my things to the closet, hiding them in their planned spots. I always think of possibilities of anything happening so I was prepared for this. "Lori I hardly ever see you anymore" the footsteps get closer as I hide in the designated area I chose.

Did I leave anything behind? No, I couldn't have. I always bring my phone with me everywhere and I was working with the three other things, there was no need to grab more unneeded items and put them next to me while I work.

The door to her room swings open and I squish myself more into my hiding place. "Baby?" I can't see Ariana but I know she's nearby.

The closet door opens next and I finally see her in my line of vision. She looks around and her eyebrows furrow.

I hold my breath, waiting for what's about to happen. Does she see me?

Her eyes fall and she leans upon the door frame. "Oh, Lori" she sighs. "I must be a terrible mother if you're avoiding me like this" she stands there for a bit until she finally looks up, taking a second glance around the room. She walks out muttering. "Something is off about this room, I can feel it"

When I know she was gone, I let out a deep exhale, I was basically suffocating.

Wait shit, I keep forgetting I'm pregnant. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a miscarriage.

I decided to stay there for a little longer, my homework can wait.


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