A Moment of Love

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Bruno parked his car in front of the police station, and you joined him in getting out and walking inside. A few people were there walking around and working, but Bruno didn't acknowledge any of them. You followed him up a set of stairs to his office, but when Bruno got to his door, he saw that it was unlocked. He immediately felt cautious about opening the door. Slowly he opened the door and reached his hand inside to turn the lights on. When the lights were flicked on, he threw the door open, and he was surprised to see someone familiar sitting on his desk. His blonde hair was gelled back, and his green eyes were looking at Bruno but glanced to the woman beside him. Jin was sitting on his desk with a smile.

   " Jin? What are you doing here. I thought you left? "

   " I did, but I came back to congratulate you. You've got the promotion. "

   " . . .I did? "

   " I'm surprised you didn't expect to get it. Although, I did tell you you're the only one here that works so hard. "

   " But, don't you have to also compare everyone in the other districts and then choose? How did I get it? "

Jin only shrugged and stood up from Bruno's desk.

   " I just sent my file and observations in on you and the state seems to like you. You are getting promoted to work in Evergreen. It's a couple hours from here. "

   " Really? "

   " Really! You get to work there in a detective's position but it'll be a better opportunity for you there than here. You can actually conduct the research, pull up DNA scans, and do everything that is required of you. You have skills, Bruno Tate, but they're wasted here and the state saw that in my report. So, you will be working in Evergreen from now on, starting in two weeks. "

   " I'll have to put in my resignation letter on Monday. "

   " Don't worry about the resignation letter. All you need to fill out are these forms for a transfer and everything will be sorted out. " Jin said, handing Bruno some papers. 

Bruno took the stack of papers and looked over them before shaking Jin's hand with a huge smile.

   " Thank you, Jin. "

   " Don't thank me. I didn't do anything. I only handed in my honest report. Now, why don't you leave this stuffy office and take this pretty lady here on a date. I'm planning on picking my wife up when I leave here and to go for a long drive. "

Jin patted Bruno's back, and he bowed his head to you as he walked out of Bruno's office. 

   " Congratulations. ' You said, smiling at Bruno's back.

Bruno set the papers on his desk, and he ran towards you and hugged you tightly. You hugged him back, and you could feel how happy he was. 

   " This is a amazing! I can get out of here and I'll be closer to you when you go back to college! "

   " Yeah! This is great! "

   " Now, let's take Jin's advice and get out of this dump. "

Bruno left the papers on his desk to fill out later, and he took your hand and ran out of the office. He jumped back in his car full of energy and happiness, and you sat beside him smiling. Bruno started driving away from the town and towards the forest. You knew the path and thought back on the memories you had there. When Bruno parked the car on the side of the road, you took a  deep breath in and let it go getting ready to walk a long while. Bruno took your hand and started walking towards your secret place that no one knew but you two. The sun was hidden behind the clouds by the time you got there, and the sky was even darker.

The Land of Dreams Book 2 (Yandere Dream Demon x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora