Making a Plan

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You got the coffee brewed and poured two cups. You added some sugar and honey to one cup and walked towards the couch where Bruno was sitting. You handed him one of the cups and set yours on the table, not ready to drink the hot beverage. Bruno, on the other hand, took the cup and started sipping the drink. 

   " The real question is what do we do now. "

   " Can't we do what we did last time? "

   " We could, but he might have done something to block the entrance to your inner mind. Since he was created from Ji-Young and witnessed his death, he'll know the entrance to get to your inner mind and he'll block it. Before it was going head first through water, but I'm afraid that he might be able to change the scene so you wouldn't be able to get near a source to get in. He's smart and this time he can brain wash your memories until you go back. "

   " You sound hopeless. "

   " I'm just thinking. . .I really did not think this would happen as soon as your summer started. Now, he's targeting me. "

   " He is? I knew he was going to kill you, but I didn't know he was going to do that now. "

   " In my dream, he called me number ten and said that he has to kill me before moving on to the others. So, I've gotta die before he could kill anymore. "

   " You can't sleep anytime soon. "

   " But I have too. I have a job and I need to be able to get a few hours of sleep every once in a while in order to work. I can't just take anti-sleeping pills all the time. WE both know how that will work out. " He said, referencing your mom.

You remembered how your mom acted when she stopped sleeping, and she started taking pills to stay awake. It wasn't a pretty sight. She looked sickly, and she began seeing things, and then she tried to kill you. You didn't want to have an experience like that with Bruno, so not sleeping was out of the option. 

   " Maybe I could negotiate something with him. "

   " You know what he wants. And I don't know about you, but I'm not comfortable with allowing him to have you against your will. As someone who lo-likes you and is a detective, it's not the best idea to negotiate. He'll only use his words to find loop holes in the agreement or he'll double back on his word. We can't trust his word. "

   " I don't see anything else we can do. "

Bruno was silent, and he continued to sip his coffee. The sun was starting to rise in the sky, but it was cloudy outside. Nevertheless, the sun was rising and making the colors of the morning turn blue, orange, and pink. 

   " What about Dr. Samal? "

   " She passed away a year ago. I think Shao killed her, though. Because she knew too much and she helped me escape the original dream demon. "

   " I see. . ."

All was silent in the house, and neither of you knew what to say. Bruno didn't like the idea of you talking to Shao and making a negotiation. If he could control your dreams and memories when leaving the dream world, then there's no telling what else he could do. And Bruno didn't want to find out everything Shao was capable of. Bruno sighed and set his coffee cup on the table. 

   " I guess me talking to him si out of the question? "

   " He'll kill you. He won't want to talk to you. "

   " Great. . ."

You set your cup down and grabbed Bruno's hand.

   " Let's not talk about this anymore. It's Saturday, let's go do something before you get called into work for something. "

   " What do you want to do? " Bruno asked.

   " Let's go to our spot, and relax there. "

At the mention of your secret place, Bruno smiled. He nodded his head and set his coffee on the table. Then, he stood up from the couch and helped you up.

   " Alright, we'll go. But I do need to stop by my work place for something. Do you mind? "

   " Yes. " You said lying to him to get a reaction.

Bruno's face changed into a look full of displeasure. His eyes were downcast, but he raised his head and smiled at you.

   " Okay, we don't have to-"

   " I'm kidding. We can. I just wanted to see your reaction. " You said.

Bruno rolled his eyes and flicked your forehead. You rubbed the spot he flicked and tried flicking him back, but he ran upstairs before you could injure him. You walked to your room and changed out of your pajamas, and slipped on some comfortable walking shoes. You left your room and walked back to the house's ground floor, and you realized that you were ready before Bruno. You took his keys from the counter and walked to his car, deciding to put the keys in the starter and let the car run. You just wanted to listen to the news and some music in the car while you waited.

The Land of Dreams Book 2 (Yandere Dream Demon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now