Embracing the Feelings

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Bruno fixed his tie and grabbed a comb to fix his hair. When he was done he took one last glance in the mirror and decided he looked fine. He walked into his room and gathered a few papers, looking over them, and he left his bedroom. Bruno looked at his watch and decided he would tell you 'goodbye' before leaving for work. He quietly approached your door and knocked on it. He didn't hear anything on the other side and he grabbed the handle, twisting it and looking into the room. You were still in bed sleeping. Bruno slowly walked into the room and he sat down on the side of your bed. He put a hand on your shoulder and shook you a little bit. 

   " Y/n. . .I need you to wake up for a second. Y/n. . ."

You slowly opened your eyes and looked up at Bruno. When you opened your eyes and looked up at Bruno, you could see the sunlight coming in from your window and hitting him. When the sunlight hit him he looked like an angel because the light hit him perfectly to make him look angelic. 

   " Yes? "

   " I wanted to tell you that I was leaving and going to work. I'll be back in the late evening but if you need anything just give me a call. "

   " Okay, I'll see you when you get back. Now, let me sleep for a little while longer. "

   " Okay, I'll see you later. " Bruno said smiling.

You nodded and shut your eyes to go back to sleep. Bruno smiled feeling the butterflies flutter in his chest. He knew he liked you, but he didn't want to ask you on a date while you were at college. He didn't want to ask because you only came back for small holidays and now in the summer. So, he didn't want to ask or put anything on you while you were away most of the time, but he had a plan for this summer when you were back in town. He just needed to wait for work to die down before he asked you anything.

   " I'll be back later. "

He took his hand off your shoulder and stood from the bed to leave the room and go to work. The morning was cool and it felt nice to step out of the house. He got in his car, rolled his windows down, and started driving to work. You got up a couple of hours later and sat up in bed looking at the time. It was eight in the morning when you finally got out of bed. You got a shower and wore some comfortable clothes around the house. While you looked around the house, you saw that it was still really messy. 

   ' I think, I'll clean the house a bit and then make dinner tonight. As thanks for letting me stay here. It shouldn't be that hard if I can just get started. '

You first walked to the kitchen and started throwing away all of the pizza boxes and thai food boxes. Once those boxes were out of the kitchen and in the trash, you put the clean dishes up and put the dirty dishes in the washing machine. You grabbed some cleaning supplies and cleaned around the kitchen and moved to the living room. You gathered all of the papers and set them in a neat stack on the table and then wiped the coffee table off. Once everything was wiped and cleaned off you looked for a vacuum cleaner To clean the floors and the cushions on the couches. When everything was cleaned you put all of the cleaning supplies away and left the house. You were going to walk to the store and get groceries to make dinner. 

   ' I wish I still had my car. '

Before you went off to college for your third year your mother had asked for her car back. The car was in her name still and she needed it back so she could get groceries. Your brother's car wasn't in the best condition and it eventually broke down on the side of the road and she wanted her car back. Bruno helped you move to college and get everything moved in. 

   " I'll need to get some herbs, maybe chicken, but I don't know about that yet. And then just some small things. " You told yourself. 

You walked down the neighborhood and when you got to the store you decided to take a cab back to Bruno's house. You didn't want to walk that long way back with groceries in your arms. You went through the store and grabbed what you needed for dinner and for lunch. After everything was in your basket you called a cab before checking out at the cash register. You had worked over your college life and saved up vacation days so you would have time to leave for the summer instead of working. You used that money to pay for the ingredients you needed and for the cab to ride home. When you got to the house you put everything away and made lunch for yourself. You didn't do too much the rest of the day and watched TV and relaxed until you saw the time. Bruno would be home in an hour. 

The Land of Dreams Book 2 (Yandere Dream Demon x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora