A Summer Home

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As we drove through Linden I could recognize all of the buildings but I didn't recognize some of the buildings. The small town had grown a little bigger since I've been gone. There were a few more shops and places for people to go to and relax at. I spotted the high school I used to attend and I decided to look anywhere else than the high school. 

   ' I don't want to think about that school. '

Bruno drove through his neighborhood and pulled into the driveway of his house. The house didn't look all that different from last summer and on the holidays. There were a few more rose bushes and greenery around the house, but overall, it looked the same. Bruno put the car in park and took his key out of the ignition. 

   " How's mom doing? " I asked before we could get out of the car.

   " She's doing better. I visit her every so often at your old house and she's getting more sleep. "

   " Good. I'm glad she's getting better. "

Bruno nodded but I could see the questioning look on his face. He took his hands off the wheel and looked at me ready to ask a question.

   " Are you sure you don't want to stay with your mom for the summer? "

   " I see, you don't want me around do ya? "

   " No, that's not it! I just. . .I thought you would want to stay at your house and spend time with your mom a little. "

I opened the door to the car and walked to the back door to grab the two-wheeler. I pulled it out of the car and started unloading the boxes as I answered Bruno's question.

   " Don't get me wrong. I love my mother and I care for her. But I think the small visits on holidays are good enough for now. She tried to kill me and she was doing it so she can get better. So, I think it's best if we grow our connection slowly, and I don't really have a lot of good memories at home, so I would rather stay here with you. "

   " I understand. I do have an extra room so it's fine with me, plus I could use some company. "

   " Aww, how sweet. You miss me and feel lonely without me around. " I teased.

   " Again, our everyday calls can only do so much for me. "

   " You're starting to sound like my boyfriend now instead of my best friend. "

   " Would that be so bad? " He asked putting the last box on the two-wheeler. 

I didn't say anything and shrugged my shoulders as I walked up to the steps of his house. Bruno shouted at me, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

   " That's not an answer! "

   " Take it or leave it! "

I waited on the porch for Bruno and I looked around the neighborhood. People were walking their dogs and enjoying the sunny day. I smiled at seeing people walk around and spending time with their kids. I looked back at Bruno and he shut his trunk and locked his car. He walked up the pathway to his porch steps with a big box in his hands. He walked up the steps and looked for the right key to unlock his front door. Once he found the key he unlocked his door and let me walk inside first before coming in and locking the door behind him. I set the two-wheeler down and looked around the kitchen and the living room. Papers littered the floor and tables with notes all around. Then in the kitchen, there was pizza and that food boxes sitting on the counter.

   " You haven't been taking care of yourself have you? "

   " Works been pressuring me. People are giving me more assignments than usual so I eat when I can and then get to work. I've become a workaholic while you've been away this last year. "

   " Geez, I guess I'll have to take care of you like the good person I am. "

   " I wouldn't mind that. I provide you housing in exchange that you look after my health. "

   " Okay, that doesn't sound like an even deal. "

   " How is that not an even deal? "

   " Because before I stepped in and saw all of the food boxes you were going to let me live here for free. Now I have to take care of you. You're sounding like a bum. "

   " Touche, I'll give you that. But I will be gone for most of the day. I'll be at the station working and I won't be home until probably four or five. Sometimes I may get the chance to work from the house, but I'm not sure about that. "

   " Okay. . .When do you have to be at work? "

   " I have to be at the office at five. "

   " You live and breath work. Maybe you should take a break every so often. You don't need to overwork yourself. "

   " I get weekends for my breaks. But I have to be ready in case I get called in for an emergency. "

You nodded and started walking up the stairs to the second floor with two boxes. Bruno followed behind you and took the last two boxes with him. You walked to the guest room door and opened it. The room looked clean with no specks of dirt or dust anywhere in the room. I set the boxes down on the bed and took in a deep breath of air. Bruno set the other two boxes on the floor and stood up, cracking his back.

   " Alright old man, calm down. We don't want your back to break even further. "

   " Oh, ha ha. Very funny. "

   " Alright, now let me pack, shoo. "

   " You don't want my help? "

   " I've just had you drive me and help me move out of my university dorm room. You're also letting me stay here, at your house, for free. I think I can handle unpacking my boxes just fine. "

   " Alright, but if you need anything, just yell. "

   " Gotcha. "

Bruno walked out of the room and I opened all of my boxes. Before I started unpacking I took my phone out of my pocket and looked for some music to play while I unpacked. Once I found the right playlist I put my headphones on and pressed play. 

The Land of Dreams Book 2 (Yandere Dream Demon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now