Saying Goodbye

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You slowly got out of bed and got ready for the day. You woke up in your own room alone in the house. Bruno was at work today, and he said that it was the last day for evaluations. The higher-ups would be leaving today and go back to the main headquarters leaving. You decided to visit Bruno at work today, instead of staying in the house. Your next date was tomorrow, but after he talked about wanting you to visit, you thought you might as well visit him now and bring him lunch in case he didn't eat.

   " Alright, I'm ready, I got the lunch, and I got money to take the bus. Let's go. "

You walked out of the house and made sure the door was locked. You started walking to the bus stop, and you started thinking about what his office would look like. You had been in the interrogation room, but you've never been in his office. The bus stopped at the police station, and you got off. You looked up at the building and remembered when you left the building and walked out to find your brother waiting for you.

   ' That was when we agreed to watch each others backs. We never acted like siblings, but we had a mutual understanding then. '

You walked into the building, and when you went through the front door, a woman rushed past you to get to her desk.

   " Sorry, I was delivering papers. What can I do for you? "

   " I'm here to see Bruno, Bruno Tate. "

   " Go up the stairs over there and he's the third door down. "

   " Thanks. "

The woman grabbed a few more stacks of papers and ran off to deliver them somewhere else. You walked further into the building and entered the central room. There were tables everywhere with many desks, and there were people furiously typing away on their keyboards. Some people carried files to their desks, and they would set them down and start surfing through them. You walked towards the stairs and walked up to them, counting the doors. When you counted the third door, you walked to it and knocked. 

   " Come in. " You heard Bruno's voice say through the door. 

You pulled the handle and entered the office. Bruno was leaning against one of his hands on his desk as he was looking down at some papers. He looked stressed out and tired. Bruno raised his head and looked up at you. When his eyes landed on your form, he stood up, and his eyes widened.

   " Hey. . .Hey, what are you doing here? "

   " You are the one who said that I should visit you. So I came to visit you and I brought lunch in case you skipped. "

   " Oh, well thank you. Come sit down. " 

You walked to one of the chairs in front of his desk and sat down, setting the containers of food on his desk. You handed him silverware, and he took it from you. You opened some of the containers while he opened others.

   " I didn't think you would visit today. "

   " I noticed it's busy. "

   " Yeah, everyone is getting the last of their work done today. Once the superiors leave everything will be like it once was. "

   " Is that good or bad? "

   " Bad. Of course, the workload will be lighter but that's not necessarily a good thing. Have you eaten lunch yet? "

   " I ate some of the scraps from making this. Does that count? "

   " No, it doesn't. Here. "

Bruno held up a piece of the food with his utensils and put his hand underneath it to catch the crumbs. He held it towards you, and you were going to deny it when Bruno stood up and shoved the food into your mouth. 

   " You didn't have to do that. "

   " Your health is important. You need to eat. "

Bruno sat back down in his chair, and everything was silent. Bruno continued to eat, not saying anything, and he fed you a few pieces of food from time to time. Bruno looked really tired in your eyes, and that was why you thought that he wasn't talking much. A knock came on his door, and before Jin could tell the person to enter, the door opened anyway. 

   " Hey, Bruno. Sorry to interrupt, but I thought I would tell you goodbye before I leave. "

   " Hey, Jin. Are you already leaving? " Bruno asked, standing up.

   " Yup, all of my evaluations have been completed and now I can go back home. Is this your girlfriend? "

   " No not yet. " Bruno said after coughing into his hand.

   " Ah, I see. Well, little miss, you are one lucky lady to have this guy interested in ya. He was the only one to fully pass my evaluation. "

   " I'm the only one? "

   " Yes indeed. Everyone seemed to be slacking, but when I got to you, you were not even sweating with the amount of work. And you are honorable to your job. You won't let anyone come into your office and leave their work on you without finishing it. You have some authority behind your voice. It's sad to see you here where you're mistreated. "

   " Yeah, maybe I'll transfer out of here this summer. "

   " Maybe, let's see if I can get you that promotion. "

   " You want to give the promotion to me? " Bruno asked.

   " Yes, You are the hardest worker here, but it's not so simple. I have to take your caseload to my superiors and they're going to compare it to the other top cops or detectives in their vicinities. Once they're all compared one is picked and they receive the promotion. Out of this area, you are my selected. "

   " Thank you, Jin. I appreciate it, very much. "

Bruno held his hand out for Jin to shake, and Jin happily shook his hand. 

   " Don't thank me yet. Now get back to having your lunch date with your girlfriend. I need to call Mary and tell her I'm coming home. "

Jin waved goodbye to you and walked through the door. Bruno turned back to you, and there was a small exhausted smile on his face. He walked over to you and collapsed on his knees. His head fell in your lap, and he hugged your legs.

   " I'm glad that's all over. I just want to sleep. "

   " You do look exhausted. If you want to cancel the date so you can get some rest then we can. "

   " No, I don't want to cancel it, and even if I sleep in, the plan for the date will have to be late at night, not during the day. So I can sleep in on Wednesday, a little. "

   " Then, I won't wake you up. "

Bruno nodded and stayed on your lap for a few more seconds before getting up and walking back to his chair. He sat down and continued to eat, but this time with a smile on his face. You felt comfortable in the silence and ate a little with him.

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