A New Life

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   " Mr. Tate we need you to look over this file and go to the crime scene. " The chief director said handing Bruno Tate a file.  

Bruno took the file and the director left the room, shutting the door on his way out. Bruno set the file down on his desk and opened it. He first looked at the pictures inside the file before reading the information contained in the papers. It didn't take him long to finish reading all of the information and he closed the file. Bruno stood from his desk and grabbed his coat from his coat rack and slid his arms inside the fabric. He grabbed the file and walked out of his office. 

   ' I can get there in half an hour and hopefully get everything looked at and figured out before my afternoon plans. Which reminds me, I need to call her. '

Bruno pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed the number he was thinking of. He placed the phone to his ear and listened to the ringing as he opened the door to the stairwell. Bruno liked taking the stairs instead of the elevator. It allowed him to stay in shape every day but it also provided him some ease. He didn't like taking the elevator anymore due to a small fear of the elevator stopping and the cords possibly snapping with no way out. He didn't even like thinking about it. He listened to the ringing until it stopped and someone answered their phone on the other end.

   " Hey, what's up? "

   " Are you still good to continue our plans for tonight? "

   " I can still come, but will you? I know working in the police force is tasking. "

   " I just received a case to look at. It looks like it could be a suicide but I won't know if it's fowl play or not until I get to the crime scene and look around. I should be able to make it tonight, but if I don't then I'm sorry right now. "

Bruno's feet hit the last platform and he walked out the door to the bottom floor of the building. He walked through the wide halls until he got to the glass doors leading outside. There was a car waiting for him and he opened the door, getting in the car. He set the file beside him on the seat and looked out of the window still talking.

   " Ever since that transfer out of Linden you've been getting more cases there in Evergreen. "

   " Because I'm such a good detective. "

   " Yeah, I'm sure that's why. You totally didn't transfer to be a little closer to your lover. "

   " I actually didn't, little missy. " He said in a teasing tone. 

   " They sent me the transfer papers first before I ever asked them and all I did was fill them out. " He said.

   " Yeah, I think you're lying to me. I think you called in a transfer so you could be closer instead of having to drive back and forth every, what, two days? "

   " And what would you know about the system? Last I checked you're not a cop or an agent. "

   " I don't have to know the system. I just have to know you. "

   " Don't you have some studying to do? Somewhere to be? Are there not parties on campus you can go to besides teasing me? "

   " When you think about it you called me first this time, so I just did the right thing and answered your call. And why would there be a party on campus at lunch? "

   " You never know. College students are crazy. "

The car stopped at the site and Bruno got out of the car with the file in his hands. He looked around and saw all of the news reporters around the building trying to get the story. He knew he would have to hide his face and hang up the call.

The Land of Dreams Book 2 (Yandere Dream Demon x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن