A Little Rain Pt. 2

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The drive was calming and nice. The wind was cool as it blew into the car, and it was just you and Bruno in the car driving around. You felt relaxed, feeling the wind hit your skin. You had already ridden miles away from town, and now you were going through the hills in Bruno's car.

   " We'll have our picnic somewhere around here. "

   " Fine with me. I trust you. "

   " I would hope you do by now. "

   " I do. "

   " And I trust you. "

Bruno placed one of his hands on yours and kept the other on the wheel. 

   " Put your hand back on the wheel. I don't wanna die today. "

   " I try to be romantic. "

   " You're just picking the wrong times. You can hold my hand when we're not in a moving object. "

   " In that case we're here. "

Bruno pulled the car over to the edge of the road and slowed down before parking. You got out of the car while Bruno got the picnic basket out. You looked in front of you and saw an empty field with trees here and there. The grass wasn't tall, and the temperature made it perfect for a picnic. Bruno went to the side you were standing on and grabbed your hand.

   " Let's go. If we walk a little ways then we can find a few trees in the field. "

You nodded and allowed him to pull you into the field. You walked beside him and found a tree to sit under. Bruno opened the basket and pulled out a checkered picnic blanket, and he set it on the ground. He patted the blanket down and set the picnic basket on top of it so the wind wouldn't pick it up. He gestured for you to take a seat, and you sat down beside him. You helped him pull out drinks and the food inside of the basket. When they were all set out on the blanket, you started eating the sandwiches and foods in front of you. It was all delicious, and you enjoyed your time eating and talking with Bruno. You talked about everything at that moment. He opened up about what was going on a work a little more than what he told you originally, and you talked to him about college and what has happened on campus since Christmas. 

   " So, tell me why you're going to work so early and leaving so late? "

   " I think I've told you already but people from higher up are coming down and observing us closer than usual. I guess they're trying to fill in a position for someone somewhere or they're looking for someone to promote. With their eyes looking over every detail of our reports and breathing on our necks everyone is working harder to show them they're doing their job correctly. "

   " Shouldn't they have been doing that already? It's their job, they should be doing it. "

   " Yeah, and they're just now realizing how much work they haven't finished or completed. So, when they realize they need me to sign off on things because I'm the main detective in the force here, they shove all of their papers in my hands. And when I tell them I can't sign them, they get frustrated. "

   " What kind of stuff are you signing off on? "

   " If they followed procedures right, if the task was completed, and if they got it signed within the year it happened. "

   " Most of them weren't? "

   " Right, and when they realize this they have to write the report all over again, with any new information, and then I can sign it because if I don't sign it then that means the case is still open or unsolved. "

   " So, they have to update it with new information because it remained open for so long. "

   " Yeah, it's stupid but it has to be done. I don't make the rules I just make sure I'm doing my job and everything goes smoothly. "

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