A Red Rose From A Purple Rose

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Bruno ate breakfast and lunch with you in his room. After breakfast, you had fallen back to sleep, and Bruno would change your icepack whenever it got warm. He made sure there was water on the nightstand for you, and he sat on his bed beside your sleeping figure. He watched videos listening to the audio through headphones to not wake you up. Most of them were about the news and random videos that would pop up from time to time, but he would glance at you ever so often. He didn't want to push you to tell him what happened early that morning, and he wanted you to get better first. While you were asleep, you went through many dreams. Most of them, you would find yourself in situations where you were walking through random streets or beautiful scenarios. Right now, you were walking through a field of wheat with the sun shining down on you. The dream was peaceful, and you were enjoying the sun. 

   " It seems you've fallen ill. "

I looked to your left and saw the same man from your other dreams. He wore the same clothing, and his colors didn't change. He still looked pale, and his clothes were the same. The only difference was that he wasn't wearing his mask. His mask was hung on his side, and his hands were in his pockets. There was a small smile on his face that seemed calm. His eyes were bright red, and they were focused on the sky. He stood in the wheat field, but there was a cliff that dipped down, and he was standing at the cliff. 

   " Who are you? "

   " You really never noticed? "

   " You were in my dreams before? Those years ago? "

   " And you didn't notice. I am hurt.

   " What is your name? "

   " The name is Shao Xin at your service, my dear. " He said, bowing.

   " I've never heard your name before. "

   " Because I am not real. I am only a controller of dreams. Why don't you let me remind you of who I came from? "  He asked with his red eyes turning towards you.

   " No, I'm good I really don't want to-Hey! "

Shao had teleported from his spot to the spot in front of you and placed his hands on your head. 

   " I'll remind you of who my creator was. "

You felt a heavy pressure on your head, and you started to remember. 

( Flashback )

   " That could be it. It's all I've got so far. This time I could also see another figure. But there was no detail. I know it was a man and he hid in the shadows of a tree. He didn't have any features and it was just a 3D silhouette. He was black and there was a red outline around his figure. I only glanced at him for a second but when I did he grew a creepy red smile. " Cindy said.

   " How creepy? "

   " Creepy to the point it was basically an evil pumpkin smile. And I'm not talking about the pumpkins that have square teeth. I'm talking about the ones that have wide grins and it's sharp, almost razor-blade edges. "

   " That is creepy. "

   " You're telling me. He was only there for a second before he was gone and then it was just the man and me. "


You heard the police sirens, and luckily they were close. The cars pulled up on the side of the street, and the cops got out and raced towards the two of you. They restrained you and your mother, pulling you two apart. When the cop felt you relax, he let go realizing you were the victim. They pushed your mother to the ground as she continued to scream. Handcuffs met her wrists, and they took her to their car, all the while she never stopped screaming.

The Land of Dreams Book 2 (Yandere Dream Demon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now