"We leave in two days, Mer," Andrew frowned.

"I know," she smiled, kissing his cheek quickly. "But I promised Izzie. We'll go first thing tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," Andrew sighed.

"I'll call you later," Meredith smiled softly. She walked quickly out of the school, making her way back to the house where she found Lexie in the kitchen, in front of the blender.

"Hey Mer," she said. "I just finished my last final. I'm making margaritas to celebrate, you want some?"

"Give me that," Meredith rolled her eyes. "You're nineteen."

"Like you weren't getting drunk when you were eighteen," Lexie frowned as she watched Meredith down the drink. "Whoa, what's going on?"

"Derek's graduating today," Meredith whispered.

"I know," Lexie nodded. "Or I don't, but I figured it would be soon."

"Derek's graduating," Meredith repeated. "And I was supposed to be there. I was supposed to be there, and then we were supposed to go to Europe and have lots of sex and be happy."

"But you broke up with him," Lexie said softly. "And you have Andrew. You'll go to Europe with Andrew and have lots of sex and be happy with him."

"Trust me," Meredith shook her head, reaching for the tequila bottle. "Sex with Andrew will not make me happy."

Lexie frowned. "So why are you with him?"

"I'm not a whore, Lexie," Meredith sighed. "It's not just about sex. He's amazing. And he loves me."

"You sound like you're trying to convince yourself."

"I...I'm not sure if I can go to Europe with him," Meredith whispered. "That's big. And I don't think I'm ready for big with Andrew."

Lexie was silent for a moment before she asked, "If you can't do big with him, then why are you dating him?"

"I..." Meredith stared down into the tequila for a moment before she snapped her head up. "I have to go."

"Meredith, you just drank two margaritas and like, half a bottle of tequila," Lexie said. "You're not driving."

"She doesn't need to drive," a voice came from the doorway. "I know what she needs to do."

Lexie and Meredith both turned to see Andrew standing in the doorway to the kitchen, a sad smile on his face. "Hi, Mer."

"I'm just going to...laundry!" Lexie cried. "I'll do laundry." She scurried past Meredith into the laundry room, leaving the door open a crack.

"What are you doing here?" Meredith asked softly.

"I thought I'd make you dinner while you and Izzie were closing up the preschool," Andrew said softly. "But it looks like I'm the one who got the surprise."

"Andrew," Meredith sighed, tears building in her eyes as she sat down at the table. "I'm sorry. I really am. Because I've tried really hard to convince myself that you're the one. I just...I guess I'm finally realizing that it can't happen."

Andrew smiled softly. "I should have realized that a long time ago," he nodded. "I hung onto you because you're so amazing and I thought that maybe, somehow, you'd come around and I could be the man that makes you happy."

"I wish you were," Meredith whispered. "I really wish you were."

"But I'm not," Andrew shook his head. "It's okay, Meredith, really. I've been kidding myself for a month now. Ever since...well, that night, I've known that you're still in love with Derek."

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