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"Then??" A concerned voice lashed out through out the wooden room after a minutes silence. The later didn't seem to care much. He was attuned with the older's tantrums.

" Poronessian Parapio!!!!" Jungkook finally voiced up with a slight chuckle escaping his lips.


The younger got up, leading the other's gaze throughout the window.

JK : I love this hyung.......so much. I'm obsessed with the contrast. You know.... sometimes I feel like....the night expands as the black angel wings, protecting us. But in contray, it might be a demon, guarding the solitary moonbeam to enlighten us....our thoughts. Still..... whatta do???? I can't betray Lucifer too. Can I ?

The ravenette turned around facing the other. Slow footsteps echoed in the room, as the younger approached Seokjin.

JK : Do you trust me hyung??

JIN : What do you mean? Of course I do---

In no time, Jungkook hurled himself into Jin's arms, nearly knocking him arse over elbow given, mumbling innumerable "Thank you"s. Seokjin remained stuck in his place, not getting any clue of the younger's sudden change in behaviour. But nonetheless, clasped him so tightly like they were nearly one person. The hug was stronger than anything ever known, as if holding his precious brother wasn't quite enough. It seemed, if Jungkook let him go now, Jin may vanish forever.....

 It seemed, if Jungkook let him go now, Jin may vanish forever

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JIN : Kookie???

Jungkook hummed still not letting go of the other.There was an energy to the hug, as if the matter of one powered up the other.

"Let go" Jin spoke up almost breathless..... Jungkook finally pulled out with a cheeky smile, recieving a small glare in return. The younger surely loved to tease him.

JK : Good night hyung.... it's already too late. Bye!!!

The younger heeled towards the small wooden door, not forgetting to take a last glance before going away from. His expression was unreadable, but his sparkling doe eyes in the mysterious gleaming moonlight left an unveiled clue of something enigmatic.

He loves his hyung so much...more than anything.

Seokjin heaved a subdued sigh, following the younger's way in order to close the door.

"What's this???" Jin bent down to the paper, maybe had fallen from Jungkook's pocket.....


NEXT MORNING : ( 8:30a.m)

Sleeping peacefully in his bed, Taehyung was cradling a pillow to his chest. The sun was beaming through his blinds causing the boy to stir. He groaned when the first beam of sunlight hit his face. Picking up the alarm clock on the nightstand, Taehyung looked at the time.

"Ugh, why is it so early?"he placed the clock back on the surface and slowly began to sit up, until his eyes made its way to the sleeping figure on the couch.

Enlarging his eyeballs, Taehyung sprang up from his place, only to find himself kissing the ground on the next second.
What do we find now? A human starfish. I mean, what else do you expect? To run like bolt, after being rescued wounded, a few hours ago?

Another whimper perched through his plump lips, coercing the sleeping man to whine in annoence. Taehyung slowly emerged his head, making sure of the other to be still in his dreamland. If he wasn't low-key terrified of the elder, he might have thrown a few pillow on his face by now, or maybe some kicks or punches for free. Like, seriously.....who on earth sleeps like this ?

who on earth sleeps like this ?

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His speech had silenced itself in reverence to the scene. If this is dumbfounded, then he has found himself quite stupid by comparison.

"Such a bonkey!!!!!" Tae murmured to himself.

TAE : What should I do now?? Aish.....

???? : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Taehyung pulled the pillow tight across his chest, a few yelps escaping his throat out of shock. He incautiously twitched his fingers, staring blankly at the doorway, earning another bemused gaze from his perplexed soulmate.

"Jimina!!!!" Tae mumbled in soft, shaky voice.

JM : What the---

TAE : Jimina!!!!!!! What're you doing here?

JM : Am I not supposed to ask you this question? What're you doing in his room?


JM : Wait....did you sleep here..... with him???

TAE : Yeah???


TAE : Ye--- Not...not...no....I mean no. I didn't mean that way. I just--

??? : What's your problem if he did?

JM : You woke up?

JK : Yeah. Got a problem? By the way, why are. you here?

JM : Mr. Wang was looking for you.

JK : Do you think this lame excuse is enough for your surprise visit? He himself could have visited if he wanted.

JM : That's not my problem sir. And, I'm the one here, who got surprised.

JK : Didn't you at least know, how to knock?

JM : The door was unlocked.

JK : Whatever....

Jungkook rolled his eyes, annoyed by the other's sudden boldness. He got up, fixing himself a bit.

JK : Arrange his breakfast here, he is injured.

JM : Wha--(cut off)

JK : I won't answer your bullshit questions now. Just take care of him.

Jungkook pivoted towards the door, eyeing the younger, who's mouth was wide open during their whole argument.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Calm down, calm down my daughter, I'm still alive. Hope, you'll are safe and sound.

Don't forget to

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