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Tae groaned in annoence as the phone kept on ringing despite several dismissals. He caught on to the buzzing device just beside his head. His morning sluggish energy did not even let him notice the name on the screen.

??? : Are you still sleeping???

TAE : No, I'm just practicing my death....tsk!!!!What do you want now?

???: Ouch!!!! That hurts!

TAE : Stop being a dramatic ass Jimina. Just spill it out...

JM : How rude bro!!!! You alwa--(cut off)

TAE : Are you gonna speak up???

JM : need not to be this harsh.
[ Tae can feel Jimin rolling his eyes]
...Anyways, did you check your email??

TAE : What's the matter???

JM : We have an announcement from college.

TAE : I'll check that later. Now let me sleep peacefully.

JM : Hey....don't cut the line. Aish....I never knew Suga affected you this much 😴. ( sigh)

TAE : Are you done???

JM :(sternly) Absolutely not. And if you dare to cut the call, make sure you can live without your balls.

TAE : (gasp) Now I see who is really affected by Suga hyung....( swag you know😏). Continue please....

JM : So, I was saying , tomorrow is our camp.Check the email for details. Be prepared.

[Call disconnected ]

Tae blinked few times... processing the information he just got.

 processing the information he just got

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That means...oh man holy shit...I haven't prepared a single thing. God damn!!!! I've to go to the shop now.


Tae jumped out of the bed and rushed to the washroom to freshen up.

TAE : DAD !!! DAD!!!!

MR. KIM : Yah!!! Be careful....the stairs are for use dear. Use them, if you don't want your bones broken.


Wow!!! Everyone is being savage today. Ok. Nevermind (Apna time aayega!!!)


TAE : Ah- yes. Dad....actually our college, at once conveyed the camp tomorrow.

MR. KIM : All of a sudden?? Wasn't it in next week???

TAE : Maybe for some reason. I didn't check the E-mail yet .

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