An attempt

230 34 17

AUTHOR POV : (9:00pm)


Taehyung stumbled out of bed , trembling in great fear. Standing at the foot of the bed, he could hear more knocks coming with each knock progressively getting louder, almost as if it was becoming impatient. His instinct gradually led him to the empty corner of the room, shievering. Immense terror pinned him down. The door soon open swiftly making the quivering boy jolt down more, hugging his knees by the chest. Vague sounds of uncontrollable sobs filled in the room. Tae heard a certain gasp but didn't venture to look upward. Maybe he is standing just in the front with blood stained lips in a psychotic smile and deep, flesh coloured scars on his eyes.....

 Maybe he is standing just in the front with blood stained lips in a psychotic smile and deep, flesh coloured scars on his eyes

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??? : BEAR !!!!!

TAE : A-appa!!!!!!!!!

It is his appa. His appa...not him. A sudden sort of relief relaxed his impulses.

TAE :'s you... it's you na dad.... it's really y-you...

Out of nowhere he started crying again. Kneeling down, Mr. Kim post-haste secured the teneous boy in his arms.

MR. KIM : Ssssshh...calm down... it's's is always with you...
calm down baby.....

Tae was looking absolutely vulnerable with his red puffy eyes, tear-stained pale face, swollen lips, red nose and eyes.....non-stop searching for someone,outside the window ; agitated


H-how is this possible... I-I just was can't be true....I-Isaw it...


MR. KIM : Tae, what happened? Why were you screaming?

Tae choked on his sobs. Gulping hard, he forced a smile assuring his dad....

TAE : I-its n-nothing serious dad...a-ac--(cut off)

MR. Kim cupped his cheeks, caressing it lovingly...

MR. KIM : I never forced you in anything . I always gave you freedom, allowed you to do whatever you wanted. But....nothing is more important than your safety. You're always my first priority. You know that right???

Tae nodded in acquisition.

MR. KIM : Then tell me Tae....tell me... what's bothering you....why are you so afraid all the time... please Tae, for god sake tell me .... I've been noticing you from a long . Your appearance has changed a lot .......
I'm your dad. I can perceive your faux smiles.... You're not my bubbly, little , schismatic Tae anymore. You're always absorbed in some cynicism.....
I want you to be yourself again, to be that wild spirit...Give me your all agony .... I'll always protect you bear... always...

Pure ferment seized the older's voice... Few saline drops overflowed his eyes. The sincerity and jitters ; displaying on his features, made Tae feel guilty of his deeds.

TAE : I'm sorry dad...

MR. KIM : Don't be😄. I want nothing but your glee. You're my happy pill.

TAE : I know. You're always protective and much worried about me. So.... I thought....

Tae said fiddling ; with his head hanging low.

MR. KIM : (holding his chin) Look at me Tae, it's not too late.

Tae took a deep breath before he finally started..

TAE : Dad from th--(cut off)


Tae looked at his dad . Mr. Kim sighed defeatedly ,as he gestured him to pick up the call and left ruffling his soft messy hair .


It's going too far now.


TAE : Hello chim...

JM : Take a look how many times I called you.

TAE : (chuckle 😀) Is that so ??? Ooops... sorry then , I guess....

JM : Leave it. Did you reach home safe?

His breath hitched recalling the dreadful encounters.

TAE : Of c-course. D-don't worry about that. Hehe....

JM : Tae...

TAE : Yeah...

JM : You know you aren't that much good in pretending. What happened?

TAE : Aish... you're just stewing about. Nothing happened pabo.

JM : So you're not going to tell me???

TAE : Jimina..... It's not like--

JM : Let it be ,if you're uncomfortable..
(sigh) Now, go and sleep if you wanna join the camp tomorrow.

TAE : 😃Yeah.... good night.

"Maybe good night to me too".........

[His phone was in silent mode......]


Why it's always me...what have I done wrong.....who is he.....and why is he doing all these..... aah my head....... b-but what does he mean by "Don't".


Thousands of thoughts were erranting in his mind. Tae mentally cursed himself for this much overthinking but nothingtheless couldn't help it.

Maybe tomorrow will be a new start, a new journey without his stalker amidst the forest of Apsan park.

Maybe tomorrow will be a new start, a new journey without his stalker amidst the forest of Apsan park

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At least he should try....a last attempt...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Do vote & follow me if you like it.... it's a bit philosophic in this chapter... But you'll feel the thrill from the next one & onwards . I swear you'll get addicted to the story from the next chapters.

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