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AUTHOR POV : (2:30a.m)

TAE : Don't leave me.....hey... wait!!!w-where are you going..... don't leave.... don't (almost sobbing) ... please....

??? : Bear....what happened....are you ok??...Bear!!!!!(shaking him)

Tae woke up.... breathing heavily... clenching the bedsheet in fear....not wanting to let HIM go....

TAE : H-huh!!! did he leave me ....wh-

MR. KIM : Who left you dear ? Look I'm right in front of you...

TAE : But H-he.....He?????

Mr. Kim hugged him rubbing his back gently....

MR. KIM : ( soft tone) Calm down....calm down....It was just a nightmare...

He pulled out of the hug and handed him a glass of water....

TAE : J-just a nightmare!!!!!

MR.KIM : (assuring smile☺️) It is!!!! Now take a deep breath and drink it .

TAE : Oh ... yeah... just a nightmare...a nightmare ( blabbering to himself)

He drank the water at once.

MR. KIM : Feeling good ??

Tae just nodded calming down a little bit........

MR. KIM : Look son, I know you are stressed out on something, but you don't wanna share it with me. Right? I will not force you. Just take your time, recollect the things and try to make it clear at least to yourself. And when you'll think you're ready to share, I'm always there to listen. Ok??? Now take rest. Good night.

Mr. Kim ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead lovingly.

TAE : (smiling 🥰) Ok dad. Good night.


H-he came in my dream????

[Only in dream??.Well...who knows...]

But why was I not letting him go??


He closed his eyes and took a deep breath , shaking up all the memories, all the chapters he has gone through..
The bunch of downers clouded his mind. He can clearly hark back to that day....26.03.2019...


He was happy . Obviously he was. At least he doesn't has to die from boredom in that monster's tedious class. Detention is far better, right??At least that's what he thought. But still something is different today. No, the sun still is shining in the east, the trees are swaying the brunches, he is late as usual, he got scolded like before, there's nothing so special. Everything is normal unlike his heart. God knows why in hell it's beating like it gonna pop out from the chest in any coming second. Is something marked today??? Or it is just his gloomy outlook???

Taehyung was so engrossed in his ideas that he failed to look at the upcoming figure and in a trice, bumped into a hard chest causing him to stumble upon.

TAE : Bumping into someone intentionally is not a good thing you know???

??? : Huh??? Hey it was not intentional ok??

TAE : Is that so?? Then donate your eyes Mr. as you're not using it...

??? : Eyes are not only for looking down either....

TAE : (smirk😏) Oops...thanks for proving my point dumbo.

??? : (Confused😶) What do you mean?

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