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We were walking through the umber-brown, ancient forest. No offense, this free ride is quite enjoyable😃. The composting, organic smell rose up in waves like a miasma. Every sprawling tree we passed under reminded me of a watchful guardian, a silent sentinel of the groves. The camp was further than it seemed to be. We had to venture deeper into its tangled heart to reach our destination. The forest really held something, something deeper and darker. Their knotted brunches seemed to secure some enigmatic secret , which no one knows or maybe doesn't dare to know???
The closer we went, the more mystical and spellbinding it became. Huge roots spread-eagled the ground, twisting like the great backs of sea dinosaurs. The foilage became thick and lush, forming an arch of fairytale-green above our heads. The lake following the path, enriched the enticing beauty. I felt complete amidst the forest. Somehow I percieved an unknown connection in these things. I sensed the roots ,like I belong here.
Soon, we arrived at a wide glade, where the trees fell away, revealing the bespeckled sky and our camp.


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Every one present there, switched their attention to the male, in a hold of Mr. Jeon. Jungkook felt Taehyung being terribly ill at ease in front of all as he soon put him down, still giving him the support, he needs for the wounds from last night. Jimin in no time, engulfed the younger, in a tight hug, caring less about the cold glare he got; as he was too much busy in scolding his soulmate for such a nuisance.
Taehyung instead couldn't help letting out a low chuckle for this drama queen. But he can't blame either. Can he? Absolutely not.  Jimin tends to be more emotional, after all he is .....

TAE : Jimina.....look at me....look....I'm completely in good shape.

JM : I can see that.

Jimin glared , pointing at his lacirated leg. He exhaled, as he swipt off the remaining  tears from his faceu(😂). Red puffy eyes, tear-stained face and that perturbed expression showed it all.

JM : Look Tae, you better listen to me from next time. What I'm gonna say to uncle if something......(sigh)......how many times I forbade you huh? You know, you know very well you're not like us. Don't you?

Tae remained silent not finding a suitable reply. He shouldn't have risked it. What if Jungkook hadn't found him? What if-----

JK : That's enough shorty. He need to rest.

Tae noticed Jimin fisting his hands firmly as his knuckles turned white due to the impact. He knew this is the trigger point of the ebullient male. Jimin closed his eyes ; breathing in and out quite a few times to control his rage. He can't just snap to his professor, especially to Jeon Jungkook. Jimin shot a light glare to the smirking boy as he finally voiced up gritting the teeth ,

JM : Sir, I'm Jimin. Park Jimin. It'll be better to address me by my name.

JK : Ok. Mr. Park shorty. I'll keep that in my mind.😏

AMIDST THE FOREST ( KOOKV)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя