falling asleep on her lap in front of her friends (requested)

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You laid your head on Selena's lap as your eyes began to get heavy.

A few of her close friends were sitting around the living room, talking with your girlfriend about whatever came to mind as the movie played quietly in the background.

No one was really paying much attention to it anymore. Everyone was too busy talking and you found yourself getting too tired to pay much attention to it.

Selena glanced down at you as Raquelle spoke. You managed to keep your eyes open long enough to see her beautiful smile tug at her lips.

"You look so tired, baby." She whispered. "Do you want to call it a night? Go up to bed and get some sleep."

"No. I'm okay, Sel. Don't worry."

She didn't believe you and you knew why, considering it was incredibly difficult for you to keep your eyes open.

But she didn't worry about it.

The movie night is at your shared home tonight, so you can go up to bed at any time, and she knew sooner or later you'd fall asleep and she figured you'd drag your feet up the stairs and go to bed when you realized that you were too tired to stay awake.

She began to play with your hair after she pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead.

"If you say so, my love. I love you." She whispered and you repeated the words back to her as you closed your eyes, yawning before you relaxed as she ran her fingers through your hair.

You cracked a small, sleepy smile and listened to her voice as she spoke quietly with her friends, occasionally giggling and making your heart flutter.

You wanted to stay awake. You tried so hard to do so because you don't really get many nights like these with Selena and her friends because everyone's always busy.

But you were too exhausted and Selena's voice and touch are so soothing and so comforting that trying to stay awake seemed to be impossible.

You started to drift off to sleep, everything around you fading out as you fell asleep with your head on Selena's lap, her fingers still in your hair as she played with the strands.

Selena was talking with her friends, unaware that you'd fallen fast asleep.

That is until her friends pointed it out.

"Selena," Courtney mumbled, nodding down to you sleeping on Selena's lap.

Selena's eyes filled with adoration as she stared down at you, smiling bigger and brighter than she's ever smiled before.

"You're so cute." She whispered as she leaned down to kiss your head.

Her friends were smiling, playfully teasing her over how in love she was.

But they all found it adorable, so happy to see their friend so happy.

"I love you so much." She whispered as she stared down at you, feeling so lucky to call you hers.

And as her friends started to talk again, she just kept her eyes on you and watched you breathe, swearing she was falling even more in love with you every single day.

Selena Gomez Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now