The guards in the hall looked at us and tried to hold in their laughs, some even bowed in respect towards us.

"I love this!" I whispered, excitedly as they bowed. I know this is childish, but it's fun and funny!

"Me too, I feel powerful" Antonio whispered back.
"Aren't you already powerful, dumbass?" I said rolling my eyes.

"No, dumbass, I am not. That of who you speak of is my dearest cousin Enzo." Antonio said while waving at the guards like a queen would. I tried to suppress my laughter.

"Well, well, well, If it isn't Princess Anna and Queen Elsa." Lexi said while bowing.

"Actually, bitch, it's Queen Anna and Queen Elsa get it right," Antonio said, putting his hand in her face and walking off.

"I am so very sorry, excuse us." I whispered as Antonio kept pulling me with him.

We went into the kitchen to get some shaved ice, then went upstairs. We found the meeting room where all the men are at including Enzo, Elijah, Raven, Lexi, and now Ty and Zuri.

Antonio, before we went in, he connected his phone to the tv that's in the meeting room. We counted to three, then pressed play on the phone.

"Let it go" started to play through the door and that was our cue to burst in.


We sang and threw ice everywhere.

"Tonio, you were supposed to be here, earlier? Is this what the hell you've been doing?!  Enzo yelled walking toward us.

Before Antonio could answer Enzo snatched the bucket of ice out of his hands. He looked in the bucket then looked back at us, he gave a blank look before throwing the ice on us.

All of it!!

"Oh my fucking fuck of the first fuck of the other fuck fucking the other fuck, Enzo!" I yelled while covered in white ice shavings.

"solo per darti un assaggio della tua stessa medicine, Tigre coraggiosa," Enzo said with a smirk on his face.

(Translation: Just giving you a taste of your own medicine, brave tiger)

I took the bucket that was in my hand after remembering I had it. I tried to dump it in him.
Yup, you heard me right, "tried" I tried to throw it on him, but he snatched it halfway and poured it on me.

"You tried it, tigre." Enzo said, smirking.

I was freezing cold at this point, I started shaking and gritting my teeth. Watching the ice turn to water as it ran off of me.

After twenty minutes of watching him yelling at Antonio, I sneezed so loud everyone stopped their conversations and looked at me.

"Are you okay? Are you getting a cold?" Raven said, getting up from his seat to walk over to me.

"I'm fine, I'm just cold, I'm going to go change now and let you guys finish your meeting." I said while walking out of the room.

Kidnapped in ItalyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora