35.- Double Attack

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Note: I do not know how to explain it.

I only know what happened, and how it happened, and that we were never able to stop it.


Freedom and respect for commitment will open the doors to what could become a real toxicity, and toxicity, as it has always done, will also devote a closed, worried and cowardly romanticism



The purpose of this chapter is not to insult or annoy. You must be willing to read with your consent.



The key came out of my tight pants to press the door lock car button. In unison, we approached. We still didn't have the door of the house, and our hungry lips did not cease when they met. At last, I put away the keys to the car and extracted those from the front door, giving my lover a lick salty on his cheek to sly look and hear how he exclaimed in a delicate voice; however, with lewd view.

"That gave you an extra point. "He' smiled," "How about I give you a big gift tonight?"

Transforming ourselves into lovers and being in this precise place was the most irrational madness there is, and as soon as he said it, we continued the step so that the tongues were cornered until they were extracted and brushed part of the hollow of the chin and cupid arch leaving totally salivated, with that blissful expressiveness, by the tingling. In a little embarrassed summary it all consisted of a trip back to New York in the company of Miles to walk together, have an important dinner with conversations that we could only understand and end with the expected pleasure that every human loves to have next to his soulmate, but because of so much alcohol, the talks spread significantly and the reservation of a hotel had been completely forgotten by both of them that night.

Time was scarce, and we could not find an early enclosure for privacy. Already at that point, we understood that the only way to have each other could only happen that way. A dangerous fuck in the wrong place, and I didn't know what I was thinking and making, but the madness of taking him to the same house I live in with my girl, ignited my emotions so much that I considered it like something attractive, despite all the risk and unfavourable result that it could bring us in the future if the stars were not synchronized for us tonight.

"It's a dangerous incitement." isn't it?

I sparsely stopped his approach when he returned to my lips.

"Wait, Miles...

"Are you certain, we're ready for this, aren't we?"

He questioned me cheerfully and softly. I was more trembling than usual when I turned my wrist to propel the door key out to finally open. Miles took my hand and made my eyesight intimidated by his. I closed and could barely place the bunch on the thin welcome table.We headed to my room down the narrow hallway. We don't wait to undress, letting our clothes succumb to the edge of my bed. When we took off our shirts, he bragged without measure as I saw every inch of his thin skeleton. He found out and showed a lit view by extracting from the front pocket of the pants a small lubricant and a box of prophylactics previously purchased at the pharmacy near my residence. He downplayed whether in that drugstore we saw ourselves as a couple of homosexuals willing to create another night of entertainment.
Precisely the drawer that Alexa frequented would be used by Miles this time and I thought he had noticed, since, nervously, he took a strip, cut a package, and installed the others next to the bottle on the bedside table.
We already to there and there is no going back.

☆ ~ 𝓦𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝒮𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝒪𝒻 ℒ𝒾𝒻𝑒 - Milex Fanfic ~ ☆ [+18]Where stories live. Discover now