Chapter 6

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"The Victim of Babylon Chapter 6: Aftermath

"With Ben and Bella's defeat in Siberia by Niggurath and Kira, the bombardment of Siberia by Schicksal and the end of the second war had happened since that day, Schicksal declared victory for the war without mentions of Anti-Ertropy by Schicksal's overseer, those who were still in Siberia near Babylon Labs were killed by Schicksal's Honkai fission missiles, nine years had passed since the war as we're seeing the frozen lake that Ben and Bella had fallen since the war"

"Ben's dragon claw stabbed the ice as it breaks upon the stab of his claw, Ben would step out of the freezing water while holding Bella in his arms as he was able to heal Bella's core back to normal, as he stepped out and noticed everything around him, bodies of dead valkyries along with Honkai beasts, he noticed Babylon Labs in the distance, mostly broken to pieces due to the bombardment as he knows that Sirin and Cecilia were gone along with the others, he looks at Bella while she's asleep in his arms, she was really beautiful like the moon itself to him, Ben looks back at Siberia for a moment before turning around and making his wings appear behind him as he flies away with Bella in his arms, they would want to be far away from Siberia to make sure that humanity doesn't know that they're still alive, few days had passed as Ben and Bella would be living inside of a house outside of Soukai city, in a quiet and peaceful neighbourhood, though they would have to be careful to not be noticed by humanity as Ben and Bella would be having a conversation with each other in their own home"

Ben: Indeed Bella. *pats her head* and hopefully those humans would enjoy that special place in hell, once they do, hehe

Bella: I'll make sure of it *purrs*

Ben: Hehe

Bella: N-nee can you headpat me more?

Ben: Hmm? Uhm, sure? *pats her head*

Bella: =w= Rwar...

Ben: Hehe, you seem to be enjoying it, aren't you Bella? *soft smile*

Bella: M-maybe

Ben: Don't worry, there's no need to be embarrassed, when I was being head patted, I was like that too, you know *keeps patting her head*

Bella: *rwars* I-I'm not embarrassed

Ben: Alright....

Bella: Hmm... Maybe you are embarrassed!

Ben: !! Huh?!

Bella: Hehe, you thought I wouldn't realise, you're embarrassed of headpatting me!

Ben: N-no fair! *Blushes*

"Ben was blushing as Bella noticed it"

Bella: Hah you're blushing I knew it!

Ben: *sighs* Fine..... You got me Bella

Bella: Yey!! Then.... What if *pats his head*

Ben: !! B-Bella!

Bella: Hehe, knew it, then what if..... *Tickles his chin*

Ben: !!! H-huh?! *laughing* S-stop it that tickles!

Bella: Hehe *keeps tickling*

Ben: *laughing* B-Bella, S-stop it that tickles!

Bella: Or what? Hehe *doesn't stops*

Ben: *laughs* S-stop! Please just stop!!

Bella: I won't stop hehe

Ben: *laughing while sweating* I-I can't handle it anymore, just stop..... O-or I will.....

Bella: You will what? *Keeps tickling*

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