Chapter 2

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"The Victim of Babylon Chapter 2: Experiment

"It's over three months since Ben arrived to Babylon Labs, Ben has been making more friends inside of Babylon Labs in the cells section, though they would passed away from the experiments caused by Schicksal's doctors, his only friends, Ben had that's close to him, it's Bella and Sirin, they're his closest friends in Babylon Labs, though he was afraid of losing them, he isn't going to lose his friends like Bella and Sirin, he would protect them, no matter the cost"

"Babylon Labs, Location: Siberia, cells section"

"As usually, Ben, Bella, Sirin and every other children are in their cells, waiting for other experiments or others that were was going to happen soon enough, Ben looked at the family picture that he was holding on his hand, as he looked at Kiana while sighs"

Ben: (I hope you're doing alright without me, Kiana, I miss you, Mama, Dad and everyone, but i'm afraid I won't be seeing you for sometime.....)

"Bella noticed Ben was looking at the same family picture that he had during his time in Babylon Labs, as she approached him"

Bella: Ben....? Are you alright? You were looking at the same picture as usually.....

"Bella asked Ben about the family picture as Ben kept looking at the family picture, Ben looks at her"

Ben: Y-Yeah..... I'm alright, I'm just afraid that I won't be able to see my parents again, or my little sister.....

"Bella sits down on the floor, next to him as she looked at him"

Bella: I get that feeling too, I'm afraid of never seeing my mommy as I never knew what she looked like, before Schicksal brought me and Sirin to this place, I wished I could see her again.....

"Bella told Ben about her mother, though she didn't mentioned about her father or if she have sisters or not, Ben thought about Sirin's parents"

Ben: W-what about Sirin....? Doesn't she have her own parents....?

"Bella looked at Ben, as she looked at Sirin, and takes a deep breath, as she looked back at him"

Bella: Sirin..... She had her own parents, though they didn't survive, her mother passed away, caused by Honkai infection in her body and the doctors couldn't do anything to save her from it, so she didn't make it..... *looks down*

"Ben was shocked by what Bella Just told him about Sirin's mother, Sirin's mother couldn't survive caused by Honkai infection in her body and the doctors couldn't do anything to save her from the infection, this made Ben feel sadness for Sirin, she lost her own mother to the Honkai infection and there's was no way to save her from it"

"Before suddenly the cells door to their own cell, opened, showing a doctor has entered their cell, the children felt scared as some were backing up from the doctor, afraid of dying from the experiments, Ben, Bella and Sirin were scared as the doctor speaks"

Doctor: *looks at Bella* Test subject Bella, you're up next for the experiment, you're coming with me now....

"Bella was scared, then suddenly, Ben felt a feeling inside of him, a feeling that he won't be seeing Bella again after this experiment, Ben stands up and gets in front of Bella, as the doctor was almost to grab Bella, he looked at Ben while confused"

Ben: *stares at him* if you want to experiment on someone else, then do it on me, I won't let Bella go.....

"Bella was surprised and shocked by Ben's words, that her own friend is protecting her from the doctor, the doctor looked at Ben as he thought about it for a few moments"

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