The Separation

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** Sorry for late update readers... hope you guys didn't give up on this book. **

----Jungkook's Prov -----------------

I sat on our bed rubbing my temple. What Mr. Kim had said made my world grumble down. Even though my father was harsh on me, I never knew he would stoop so low. Then comes my mom. I thought maybe... I don't know what to think about them anymore.

Hyung... why did you leave me back alone. Your brother misses you.

I thought maybe Mr. Kim would tell me to leave Taehyung after explaining everything. But he took me by surprise when he said those words...

"Jungkook, son, don't feel guilty for the things your parents did. You had no fault in it. I just can't trust you because in the end you have inherited your father's nature. I am worried for Taehyung... He has settled for the first time. He tries to act tough but he is the most fragile and emotional person."

"We Just don't want you to neglect him or hurt him. Think wisely before making any decisions... building an empire might be hard but not impossible. I just don't want you to pay a heavy price... because I know what Gong-hyun had to pay to reach where he is."

Is this how emptiness feels... I don't know how to face Tae anymore. Will we be as we were before this dinner? Should I let him go? Maybe I am not worth his love...

Suddenly I felt a weight on me and my back hit the soft mattress with a bounce.

I opened my eyes to meet glassy Hazel orbs which held so much adoration and love that I couldn't take my eyes off. Taehyung was laying on me, his chin resting on my chest while his cute bambi eyes were staring back at me.

A small smile crept on my lips as I encircled my arms around his waist. He started to pamper me with kisses all over my face. Have I ever told you this man in my arms is the only one who can make me forget all the problems and bring peace to my heart.

I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck as my heart grew heavy because I knew.. I knew what every kiss he was giving me meant. He was reassuring me that nothing has changed between us. I know he knows about my father... my grip on his waist tightened and pulled him closer into my embrace.

"Tae I-" I tried to mumble but was stopped by him.

"Nothing will change... don't worry about us Gguk"

I sighed when his finger slipped past my raven locks trying to soothe the headache that had builded up a few minutes ago.

"Do you really have to leave tomorrow?"

I heard him giggle and I pulled back from his neck to peck his lips. He laughed at my reaction and pinched my cheeks.

"I am not leaving forever Gguk... you know I am going to Paris to set things in place so that by next year I will have successfully shifted my company to Seoul."

"You really want to go?" I asked him.

"You're acting like a baby Jungkook... I promise to meet you and call you everyday... okay?" I heard him say with that beautiful smile.

"Everyday for sure?"

"Yes, everyday... I will try to visit you here in Seoul. I Will wait for you to come to Paris soon." he replied, looking at me as if I was his universe. It sent shivers down my spine at the amount of intensity they held.

"You mean the whole world to me Tae... I will come to you soon."

We snuggled up against each other... He had an early flight tomorrow. I pulled the covers over our entangled body. I couldn't sleep, the whole night passed by me taking in every feature of the blue haired beauty laying in my arms. How can I sleep when I wont be able to see such a view everyday.

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