The Forbidden Emotion

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-------- Taehyung's prov ------------

I was in the shower and he was downstairs.

The mere thought of Jungkook inside my house nearly caused me to hyperventilate.

He is Jimin's Groom for God Sake!

Yet no matter how hard I tried to hold it back, my attraction for Jungkook just kept on growing stronger and stronger. I felt horrible, the way things were going, I felt like I was betraying my best friend, and the only way I could avoid this , is if I stay as far away as possible from Jungkook.

But just for now, while I had the chance, I allowed myself to get lost in his dark gaze. When I am done with shower, I will be an entirely different person.

I hoped that my eyes didn't betray me when I had opened them in front of him.

The memory was as fresh as it could be, my thoughts a while ago remained engraved in my memory.

I remembered seeing the most handsome face when I woke up, I wondered vaguely if it was a prince sent for me. It seemed like a dream, I was willing to stay forever in this dream, but whenever I found something make me happy, I would always end up falling back to reality.

If I didn't hide from him that day, would things be different? If I told Jimin the truth, would Jungkook be free? I laughed bitterly looking at myself in mirror now clouded by the hot steam. I barely knew the man and here I was thinking of things that could make me lose everything important to me.

I sighed as I wiped the steam from the mirror, looking at myself I decided then and there that Jeon Jungkook was a dangerous man, not because he was rich or powerful. But because he was capable of making me feel things that were forbidden.

I quickly dried myself and changed into Gucci shirt and skinny jeans, dried my hair a bit before going down and meeting the man that occupied my mind for two days in a row.

------ Jungkook's prov --------------------

He greeted me politely as he met me downstairs.

I couldn't quite put a finger on it, but knew something shifted between them in such a short span of time, and I am sure as hell I didn't like one bit of it, whatever 'it' maybe.

We checked the shops one by one, I always sat on a chair or leaned on a wall whenever we entered one. I let him do all the shopping and just paid in the end. After all, Jimin gave the list to him and not me.... And I would die before someone see me shopping. He was never good at interaction with sales people.

The women tried to hit on me and men, well they were intimated or hostile towards him. So, to prevent further ... complications with them, he avoided them.

I was contented anyway with watching Taehyung trying to explain the staff to get unique latest designs, commenting on the type of pattern required, or the color is not the one he asked for, and surprisingly he always ended up finding a fine material with unique design piece. I was no one to complain, it was quite impressive the taste he had in fashion though it hurt his credit card.

What made me really interested in watching him was because of his different expressions as he asked for the latest design outlet .... How his brows furrowed when he is in deep thought, how his face brightened when he found the one, how he spoke animatedly to the staff to explain his ideas, how his boxy smile graced his face .... It made me wonder why he is so different when he is with me, he was distant and cold, as if my presence threatened his very being.

Of course, he has done all his observations without being caught. He had long ago mastered the art of watching without looking.

But back to the matter at hand, why was Taehyung avoiding him? Have I said anything? Whatever had I done to make him flee from me?

I must find out, and as much as I hated entering the complicating mind of people, I would do so if it was the only way.

His behavior disturbed him, never had he met someone who instead of flirting with him, ignored him and even pretended he didn't exist.

Yup, I would get to the bottom of this.

------ Taehyung's prov -----------------------

On the other side of the room, Taehyung just got another elegant suit, and this time, he choosed to not smile. His jaw was too stiff, it was tiring to put his façade up. But he can't let his intentions be known to Jungkook, he was too sharp, a little slip and he would discover.

They were done for the day. Jungkook insisted on carrying all the bags. They walked side by side, silence hung in the air.

It wasn't a problem for Jungkook, he was used to it, but Taehyung wasn't, and his tongue was itching.

He tensed when Jungkook's shoulder brushed against his. He moved farther to the side, but that would give away my facade.

"Jungkook? Could you move a little bit away? I'm not comfortable with being .... crowded"

Jungkook smirked at him.

"Whatever. I just thought it would make you feel safe, someone might steal your wallet again." Jungkook said.

I grimaced at what he said.

"Sorry about that, I can't tell Jimin that you were following me."

Oh no... I slipped.... Great, just great Taehyung....

I covered my mouth with both my hands, His eyes were asking for an explanation to my words.

"Okay, well um.. I hid in the instrument shop when I felt you following me. Then I observed you from inside the shop."

"What made you think I was following you?"

I raised by brow at his statement.

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't, either way it's none of your business." He rudely said.

"Fine" I said.

And we continued to walk just as the sky rumbled, before we get drenched, we ran towards the shelter of an ice cream shop.

I cursed the rain over and over again, but it seems to mock him as it poured harder. I was stuck with Jungkook for god knows how long, and there was no telling what else I might tell him. Alone with the beast, could I make it back alive?

Meanwhile Jungkook was inwardly smiling, he was beginning to understand why Taehyung acted the way he did.

I knew that Jungkook was somehow interested in me, and that was why I kept my distance. But most people would jump at the opportunity, why not me?

He was beginning to be a challenge to Jungkook.... And he would never let this opportunity pass.

He wasn't doing anything wrong, he wasn't cheating on Jimin..... Jungkook thought

There was nothing to lose...



**Are you sure Jungkook there is nothing to lose?.... what you guys feel is it cheating on Jimin?

Will Taehyung be able to withhold his emotions and not break?**

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