The Rain - Part 1

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**This is a very lengthy chapter, so I will be dividing it into two Parts.... Please don't be a silent reader and do vote**

---- Yoongi's prov ------------

It was almost midnight I had just finished all the paper work, and had decided to go home, there was nothing left to do anyway. Besides, the weather was perfect to go home and sleep.

The knock on my door made me stop, there was no one in his building except for the gaurds. I checked my watch again, who can it be this late night at my office door. I was pissed, I wanted to go home and sleep.

I opened the door...only to be drowned in brown eyes.


"Yoongi, can I come in?"

"O..of course."

Why are you here Jimin? Is it not enough that you torment me in my dreams? That you have to make me suffer even in reality?..

I sat on the couch, he sat opposite to me, he was fidgeting. His eyes were downcast, and he was too silent. Something, was definitely wrong. Years of being with Jimin taught me the hard way that he never shuts up, it irritated me to the point of insanity.

Yet I wasn't aware that it would be one of the things I would miss the most.

Seeing him this way, I couldn't help but feel guilty, it reminded me too much of the way Jimin was when I left him.

And there was only one thing I could think to ease his pain.

I went over to where he sat.

Jimin gasped when he felt warm arms envelope his body. He wasn't able to prevent the onslaught of tears.

"I don't know what to do anymore..."

Jimin clutched my shirt tightly, afraid that If I let go, his life line would be cut.

"You don't have to say anything Jimin, just let it all out, I'm here."

Jimin was very vulnerable right now, and I felt like breaking. If only I could cry his tears, if only I could carry his burden. But that was the only thing I could do as always, wish...for something that can never be granted.

There was so much to say and yet the words won't come out, I felt like there was a hand keeping my tongue in my mouth. I wanted to tell Jimin how sorry I was, I wanted to tell him how much I still love him, I wanted him all the things I never said...but Jimin's sobs made me scared, so afraid that I might only cause him more tears.

So, I stayed that way, hugging him so close that there was no longer any space left between us.

---- Jimin's prov ------------

For once, I was glad for the silence.

I didn't want him to talk, and I knew Yoongi will understand.

I just wanted someone to hold me. In that moment I felt needed, wanted, and loved.

It was nice to pretend once in a while. I didn't know that what I was feeling was very real.

We stayed that way for a long while, before another knock was heard on the door.

---- Yoongi's Prov ---------------

It felt good to feel Jimin in his arms, how much he longed for it. And suddenly our time was interrupted by a knock on the door.

I sighed, what was wrong with everyone, for God Sake it is midnight, let me have my time with my love.

I let go of Jimin slowly, then went towards the door once more.

And yet again, I was in for a surprise...

"Jimin, Jungkook is here." I said..

I heard hurried footsteps coming near us.

---- Jimin's Prov----------------

When I heard Yoongi say Jungkook is here, I ran quickly towards them, indeed Jungkook was there, standing in Yoongi's Office.

"Jungkook. What are you doing here?"

"I came for you, to ask for your forgiveness...and to get you back. Marry me Jimin."

I was speechless, I looked at Yoongi, waiting for his response....

---- Yoongi's Prov ---------------

I didn't know what to say, I didn't want Jimin to leave , but once again, fear gripped my voice, my mind. My whole being was entrapped, I could no longer escape, I was in maze, and I was in too deep to ever find my way out.

So, I turned my back to them...

You are really stupid Min will live a life full of regret...

"Go Jimin...." I finally said..

---- Jimin's prov ---------------

I saw him turn and the next thing I heard his answer...

"Go Jimin."

And I didn't expect to be crestfallen at his answer. I realized that I wanted Yoongi to stop me, just like what he did years ago, yet once again, I failed. I followed Jungkook to his car.

I looked at Jungkook, but he wasn't looking at me. He was emotionless as ever.

I knew then that there was something definitely a miss...and as we drove away from Min Cop, my heart felt heavier...what was happening? Why do things occurring in my life always has to be so damn confusing?

----Jungkook's Prov-----------------

I tried hard to control my emotions, my mask was up, but it was barely holding. Why was I always stuck with doing things I never wanted to do....Taehyung, why do we have to end up like this?...


----Taehyungs's Prov -----------------

I was soaking, I was under the rain for too long. My clothes hung on my body a little too tightly. I was in front of Jungkook's building the second time that day.

But I was afraid to go in, I had long ago arrived but just stood there, allowing rain to pelt my skin.

I have to  do this, for Jimin...

I gathered up my courage and started walking towards the elevator to reach the penthouse. I was about to raise my hand to knock, the door opened and a hand pulled me in.

I was slammed into the wall, and a pair of arms trapped me. I felt a hot breath on my neck, and I shuddered at the sensation.


Continue of Flashback...


**Guess few more chapters for the story to end.... Yoongi just get a grip.

I am sorry if you guys didn't like how the characters are showing their emotions...but its just a story....

Don't hate my characters.... Sarangheyo my readers.....**

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